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jesusnavas: hey i never got your name

woodyinhoe: what ever happened to "leave me alone"

jesusnavas: i'm not in a good mood please do not ruin it

woodyinhoe: you're a stranger

jesusnavas: jesus navas is not a stranger


jesusnavas: want me to prove it to you ?

woodyinhoe: nope

jesusnavas: this is your once chance to see the most gorgeous human being alive

woodyinhoe: you're so cocky

jesusnavas: it's true, jesus navas is gorgeous

woodyinhoe: i thought you were gonna agree on being cocky

jesusnavas: ;)

woodyinhoe: what

jesusnavas: nevermind

woodyinhoe: whatever, your choice

jesusnavas: what's your name ?

woodyinhoe: why would i tell you ?

jesusnavas: if you wanna talk on a daily basis, i should at leastknow your name

woodyinhoe: just call me woodyinhoe

jesusnavas: no ew

woodyinhoe: ugh fine then

jesusnavas: why woodyinhoe ?

woodyinhoe: marco reus

jesusnavas: i don't get it

woodyinhoe: his twitter username is woodyinho....

jesusnavas: ah so you're his hoe ?

woodyinhoe: guess you can say that

jesusnavas: impressive

woodyinhoe: thank u fake jesus navas

jesusnavas: i'm not fake

woodyinhoe: say whatever you want, i still ain't believing you

jesusnavas: tell me your name

woodyinhoe: it's clarissa

jesusnavas: hola clarissa

woodyinhoe: ha ha

jesusnavas: i'll talk to you soon, clari

woodyinhoe: mhm

i was on omegle the other day and i met someone who pretended to be neymar (or he was really neymar idk he was fluent in english & everyone knows ney isn't that good in english)

anyways, don't forget to vote and/or comment !! bye loves

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