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jesusnavas: aye clari

woodyinhoe: WHAT

jesusnavas: jeez chill gurl

woodyinhoe: i'm sorry, what do you need ????

jesusnavas: i want to get to know you better

woodyinhoe: uh ok ????

jesusnavas: jeez jesus navas wants to get to know you better & you react like that

woodyinhoe: ok .... . JESUS NAVAS WANTS TO GET TO KNOW ME OMG SOMeOne caLL 911 IM DYING !!!1!1!!!!!!1!

jesusnavas: ha ha ha funny

woodyinhoe: okay, you want to get to know me right ???

jesusnavas: yes ma'am

woodyinhoe: ok shoot

jesusnavas: bang bang

woodyinhoe: *dead*

woodyinhoe: no seriously

jesusnavas: ok favorite colour ?

woodyinhoe: ehhhh black

jesusnavas: favorite food ?

woodyinhoe: lol prolly everything

jesusnavas: nationality ?

woodyinhoe: fil/am

jesusnavas: filipino american ?

woodyinhoe: yes yes

jesusnavas: ummmm where do you live ?

woodyinhoe: eden hazard's ass

woodyinhoe: lmao jk

jesusnavas: tf

woodyinhoe: jk bruh chill i live in cali

jesusnavas: hm how old are you ?

woodyinhoe: 26

jesusnavas: are you a virgin ?

woodyinhoe: i just choked on my spaghetti wtf

jesusnavas: im jk

woodyinhoe: mhmm

jesusnavas: but seriously....

woodyinhoe: i am not a virgin lol

jesusnavas: oh :/

woodyinhoe: dude im 26 what do you expect

jesusnavas: ;)

woodyinhoe: omg navas no

jesusnavas: pfft whatever, i'll ttyl

woodyinhoe: see you mr. navas

kik (jesus navas)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora