twenty two

406 61 8

woodyinhoe: are you mad?

jesusnavas: who's this

woodyinhoe: it's clari

jesusnavas: oh you

woodyinhoe: did you forget me?

jesusnavas: no

woodyinhoe: then why did you ask?

jesusnavas: i deleted our chat

woodyinhoe: why

jesusnavas: i wanted to forget i guess

woodyinhoe: forget what?

jesusnavas: you

woodyinhoe: why

jesusnavas: i don't know

woodyinhoe: do you like me?

jesusnavas: uh

woodyinhoe: jesus answer me

jesusnavas: clari

woodyinhoe: jesus answer me!

jesusnavas: yes! i do like you!

woodyinhoe: what why

jesusnavas: i don't know, you make me feel this type of way i can't explain

woodyinhoe: how do you know

jesusnavas: know what

woodyinhoe: i mean like how do you know that you like me

jesusnavas: ??????

woodyinhoe: no i mean are you sure?

jesusnavas: yeah i am

woodyinhoe: are you serious?

jesusnavas: yeah i am

woodyinhoe: jesus

jesusnavas: i know, you don't like me back

woodyinhoe: it's not like that

jesusnavas: forget it

woodyinhoe: jesus it isn't like that

jesusnavas: forget you

woodyinhoe: what the hell!

jesusnavas: leave me alone first

woodyinhoe: no i won't

jesusnavas: clari piss off

woodyinhoe: no

jesusnavas: clari stop

woodyinhoe: whatever

jesusnavas: good

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