Chapter 5

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1 week later.


It was 7 in the morning when the sunlight reflected on my face. It was my first day of job at
Mehra & Co. Limited.

I was excited to gain a new experience in life and to meet new people there.

I removed the curtains from the window, letting the sunlight flourish in the room. I walked to the closet to take out my outfit for the first day at the office.

After having a hot shower, I had my skincare and got dressed up because I didn't want to get late. I wore a light pink outfit with a sea-green scarf around my neck.

Breakfast with family was normal today. Papa left early because he had an important meeting. Like every morning I had my tea and sandwich. I love my mom's sandwiches; they are always delicious.

The driver was already told before to drop me. First, he dropped Aadi at school and then he dropped me. Aadi was so happy that I accompanied him today.

The driver dropped me on the road of a tall building. Which had the title of Mehra & Co. Limited.

I was delighted that I quickly walked inside. I was amazed by the brilliant texture of the company. The white wall tiles shined. Big-sized lanterns were hanging which lightened up the lobby. I stopped at the reception to assign myself for the first day.

It was already 8:30, receptionist asked me to make my way down to the auditorium as there was a big event in the company that day.

I nodded to her and with the guide, I went to the auditorium. The auditorium hall was huge, filled with red seats. Many employees were gathered there. As I walked down, I saw many of them looking at me; maybe because I was a new employee or because of my dad.

I had visited many galas with my dad in the circumstances of business; So people know me as his daughter.

I was walking, looking here and there until somebody tapped on my shoulder. I turned around to see who it was.

"Hey! Are you Shanaya?"A girl with a pretty smile asked me.

"Hello, yes." I smiled at her.

"Oh, I am Naina. Remember in college thesis we were together?" She leaned her hand for shaking.

"Oh yes, I remember those days were so good," I exclaimed, shaking my hand with her.

"First day?" She asked.

I nodded, "What about you?"

"Second week."

We walked and our conversation kept going. We settled on very comfortable seats. The atmosphere was filled with the chattings. No one was aware of what was the event about.

"Good Morning ladies and gentlemen!"

The auditorium became silent as we saw the host making an announcement.

"Please stand up and give a round of applause for Mr. Mehra, The founder of Mehra & Co. Limited." Everybody got up from their seats in a sign of respect and started to clap.

With Mr. Mehra came a tall man. It felt like I knew him. When his appearance got the spotlight upon him my eyes widened, my face turned pale and my hands shivered.

"What the hell he is doing here?" I whispered.

"Who?" Naina spoke looking around to see who I was talking about.

"Rayan Mehra!" My voice held anger and hatred for that man.

"Oh Rayan, you know him?" Naina whispered in my ear.

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