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I flip through the pages of a worn-out book for the hundredth time, trying to decipher its cryptic contents. But something is amiss, and frustration starts to build up inside me. The air in the room feels heavy with unanswered questions. I flop back onto my bed, taking a long exhale to release the stress that has been gnawing at me.

I wonder how I can unravel the mysteries of this place and who can provide me with answers. Suddenly, I remember Isaac. I haven't seen him since the last time we met, and he mentioned going on a trip. We had been meeting in secret, and I had been gathering information from him without revealing too much about my own past. I can't afford to be naive, especially in these circumstances.

I spring up from the bed, a spark of realization lighting up in my mind. Isaac might hold the key to understanding what's happening here, and I need to find him and unravel the mystery of his secretive journey.

But how do I locate him? I ponder my options, dismissing the idea of asking Peter, as he's unlikely to provide any useful information. My thoughts settle on someone else – Felix – who might have the knowledge and who might not be entirely loyal to spill my secrets.

I mutter under my breath, "Felix?" contemplating the risks involved. But he's Peter's right-hand man, and trust is a scarce commodity in this environment. There's only one person I can think of who might have the information I need and wouldn't immediately report back to Peter – my nefarious counterpart, Adrien. I smirk at the memory of the scuffle we had, a momentary victory in an otherwise challenging existence.

With determination, I set out to find Adrien, hoping that he could provide the missing pieces of the puzzle and shed light on the mysterious events unfolding around us.


I find Adrien leaning against the wall at our agreed meeting place, a sly grin playing on his face. He looks up as I approach, his eyes assessing me with a mix of curiosity and amusement. "Well, well, look who decided to drop by," he remarks, his tone dripping with condescension.

Ever since our altercation, Adrien's behaviour has taken a bizarre turn. There's an unsettling air about him, a palpable tension that hangs between us like an unspoken secret. The camaraderie we once shared now feels like a distant memory, replaced by an awkward and strained silence.I had thought we were friends, allies on this strange and unpredictable island. However, my victory in our confrontation seems to have left a lingering mark on him. It's as if the dynamics of our relationship have shifted, and a sense of mistrust now lingers in the air.

The uncertainty of Adrien's motives and the peculiar vibes he exudes make me wary. I'm not willing to risk everything to delve into the mysteries of his changed demeanour. In a place where trust is a rare commodity, I find myself questioning whether our friendship was ever genuine. Ignoring his taunts, I get straight to the point. "I need information, Adrien. Something's off in this place, and I think you might know more than you're letting on."

He chuckles, pushing himself off the wall and sauntering closer. "Information doesn't come for free, Anastasia. What's in it for me?"

Suppressing a sigh, I pull out a small pouch containing valuable items I've collected from the pirates during my ventures. "This should be enough to pique your interest," I say, holding it out for him to see.

Adrien's eyes gleam with astonishment as he snatches the pouch from my hand. He inspects its contents, nodding in approval. "Now, spill it. What do you want to know?"I lean in, lowering my voice. "Isaac. I need to find him. Do you know where he went or what his 'trip' was all about?"

Adrien's smirk falters for a moment, a flicker of uncertainty crossing his face. "Isaac, huh? That's not a name I expected you to be interested in. What's your angle?"

I meet his gaze squarely. "Let's just say our interests align for the time being. Don't make me regret coming to you."

He leans back, crossing his arms. "Isaac left on some mission for Peter. A top-secret assignment. No one knows the details, not even me."

Frustration bubbles within me. "Great, so I'm back to square one."

Adrien's smirk returns, more infuriating than ever. "But I do know someone who might have the answers you seek. Someone Peter doesn't keep on a tight leash. The Oracle."

"The Oracle?" I echo, perplexed.

Adrien nods. "A seer. Rumour has it that it sees everything that happens in this place. Find it, and you might uncover the truths you're looking for."

With that cryptic piece of advice, Adrien slips away into the shadows, leaving me to ponder the newfound lead. The Oracle – a mysterious figure with the potential to unravel the enigma surrounding Isaac's departure and the strange occurrences in this temporal anomaly.

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Word count: 856

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