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I thought the lost boys must be back, presuming from all the chatter and boosting about what and how many animals they killed. I rolled my eyes about how braggy these boys were.

I watched as the boys pilled around a vast table, placing the dead animals on it. A boy who I recognised as Felix seemed like he was determining the quality, looking if there was any lousy animal that was unsafe to use.

I watched them, my only entertainment, as they skinned and guttered the animals, probably using the meat for food and the skin for weapons.

I noticed the 'outcast' boy in the crowd, and I could see his eyes watching me. I shifted uncomfortably while looking at my feet. Finally, I decided it was better if I sat in a more quiet place as I was beginning to get uncomfortable.

Standing, my eyes trailed to Peter walking out of a tent with the boy from the far end of camp. The boy had a white plaster on his knee covering his wound. I smiled, happy that the boy was well taken care of.

As I looked at the boy, I felt eyes on me. The eyes of Peter, intensely watching me, his attention on me only. I shifted my weight to one side of my body as I stood awkwardly. He muttered a few words to the little kid as the boy strolled away, and Peter came in my direction.


Not today. I thought as I started walking away in the opposite direction away from Peter. "I am not dealing with this dooshbag", I muttered under my breath as I picked up my pace, hoping to outwalk him.

I failed at that, obviously not considering that I'm a fucking slow walking. Ah ha ha, stupid me.

Peter was becoming closer by the second. I tried to make a run for it, but he pulled me into him, making me fall onto his hard chest. He steadily held me, making me unable to move.

"Stupid move, Princess", he whispered into my ear with a hint of anger. He moved a piece of fallen hair out of my face, brushing his hand on my neck. It made a tingling sensation go through my body, and my body jolted up.

I gulped from nervousness. "Go back to the treehouse." He suddenly spoke, making my ears instantly perk up.

Yes, a chance to leave.

I began to try to slip out of his grip. But, instead, he held me tighter, "Not so fast, don't think you're getting out of this just because I told you to go to the treehouse. I'm going to talk with you up there." He spoke confidently, making sure to mark he had the power.

"Do I make myself clear, Anastasia?" I quickly nodded, trying desperately to get out of his death grip. "Use your words, love." He demanded, making my stomach churn. "fine." I finally spoke, taking my time to reply. "Good girl." He whispered in my ear before letting me free.

I walked away without a glance back, trying to get some much-needed power and courage.


Once I returned to the treehouse, I decided to sit on the bed. I didn't have anything to do, so I just sat there an anxious mess. I fidgeted with the hem of my dress, trying to distract myself from my thoughts, but I failed.

I wonder why the outcast boy was looking at me? What was his name again? I wondered, pondering the question. Islac? No- isack? Pftt no way. Hmmm, Issac? My eyes gleamed as I finally remembered the boy's name but returned to being natural.

I made a mental note of the boy's name and planned to talk to him soon. I ponder how I will be able to speak to him if he is always busy with the lost boys. Then it clicked. He said something about always coming out at night or something along those lines; I just needed to meet him at that exact spot at that same time.

I was pulled out of my thoughts by the door opening and Peter walking in holding a bowl. A bowl? He stood then walked up to me, standing right in front of me. I tried not to look at his crotch, which was directly in line with my face. Instead, staring down at my hands.

I felt the bowl and fork placed in my hands and looked to see Peter staring intently at me. I looked down at the bowl to be full of food. By the looks of it, it was some salad with finely chopped meat.

I looked up at Peter, my eyes trailing along his white shirt and his abs that peaked out from under. I watched him as he looked at me with an unreadable expression. "Eat." He ordered suddenly. I instantly picked up my fork, moving it around the salad.

He watched me for a second before talking. "Now we have a few things to discuss. First, I'm not happy you ran away from me earlier today." He spoke with a bit of anger in his voice. Did I ask Peter? "I never did that." I retorted back, hoping he could forget and move on. I saw a little smirk form on his lips but was returned to his stern look.

"Love, you know I hate liers." He spoke with a bit of smugness. I scoffed back, stabbing my fork into some lettuce. "I am only, and I mean only, letting you off this once, but if this happens again, I won't be so forgiving." He warned, his whole demeanour changing to stern.

"I also want you to stay here for now. Each night you will sleep here and stay in the camp unless told otherwise. Do I make myself clear, Anastasia?" His voice told authority; I wanted to make a snarky comment, but my body betrayed me, and I gave an anxious nod.

"Good girl", He praised, pulling a piece of hair behind my ear. "Before I forget, some clothes are in the closet for your use." His eyes trailed over to the closet at the far end of the little room. My eyes lit up at this statement. "Okay, thank you," I told him, happy that he had given me anything.

He looked deep in thought, watching me as I continued to dissect my food. Finally, he sighed while getting up, eyeing me. Without another word, he stood and walked out, closing the door behind him, looking like he was contemplating something.

After a few seconds of processing everything, I stood up, placing my quarter-eaten salad on the now clean desk. I noticed that all the paper from previously had gone. Oh well, I thought, making my way over to the closet.

I was astonished to find clothes hanging up from some hooks and in the drawers. "Good taste in fashion", I spoke under my breath, admiring them. I looked through the last draw, noticing some items, a toothbrush, shampoos and soaps, sanitary items, hairstyles and a brush. My heart fluttered at this kind gesture.

I got dressed into some PJs placed in one of the draws. Then, I went to use the bathroom connected to the small room to brush my teeth with my new toothbrush.

Feeling exhausted, I went straight to sleep, welcoming the soothing darkness after a long day.

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Word count: 1257

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