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The name sounded familiar; this whole place did. Yet, everything was so confusing, so weird. This whole place is so unfamiliar, yet I feel I have heard about it before.

I looked him in the eyes giving him a warm and comforting smile as he clung to me. He giggled as I patted his head, making his hair look messy. "Oliver, do you want to play something?" His eyes lit up with excitement as a huge smile covered his rosy cheeks. He nodded fast, standing up from my lap.

I chuckled at his excitement. "Do you know the game, 'hopscotch'?" I asked him, standing up next to him. He tilted his head, "no?". I smirk, "Okay, I want you to go find a bunch of arm-length sticks." I told him as he gidded with excitement, already running off in a direction.

I sighed as a memory replayed in my mind, I was little and would go out for missions, and I would always see kids my age playing this game, 'hopscotch'. They would laugh and smile as they jumped from one 'box' to the other. I envied them and wished I could play with them. But, at least now, I will get the chance.

I signed with a frown but quickly smiled to myself, getting excited at the idea. I started to collect some sticks going in the direction Oliver went in. Once we had both got a pile of around the same length sticks, I went to make the 'T' shape with the branches forming little boxes.

Oliver watched with curiosity as I laid them out, forming the shapes. I smiled at his innocence as I explained the game to him. Then, I quickly demonstrated myself, jumping from box to box as I laughed, having too much fun.

I watched as he did the same, giggling with excitement at the newfound game. I observed as he went over and over again doing different types of jumps and leaps. I enjoyed watching him, but I decided to join him.

After a little while, I felt that we had enough. Oliver was tired, almost falling asleep as I picked him up and carried him to his tent after tidying up. Then, finally, I lay him down on his bed for a nap and walked out happily.

Taking a deep breath, I wonder what to do now. I decided to take a stroll through camp and noticed a group of boys nearing me. To be honest, I have never really interacted with any lost boys, only a few like Issac and Oliver. I mentally noted to talk to Issac. I noticed them come up to me as I stared at them afar.

There were a few boys, maybe a group of 5 around my age. I tilted my head in confusion as they smiled, standing right in front of me. They start to talk, introducing themselves. I made conversations with them, very nervous about the new interaction but happy that they took the time to befriend me.

Woah, friends? Such a new and unfamiliar word, I have never had a friend, so maybe I can be their friend? Wait, no...why would they want to be MY friend unless they want something? No, I don't have time for friends; friends will just get in the way of my plan.

No, no, no, snap out of it Anastasia. I shake my head, trying to get all the unnessecy thoughts out and try to enjoy the company.

I laughed along with them as they joked and talked, being polite to engage with them. Soon the boy's whole demeanour changed; they stiffed up with serious faces looking over in the direction behind me. I quickly glanced over to notice Peter with some other person.

On closer inspection, I noticed it was a girl. Could this be Wendy? I thought to myself as I watched Peter and her talk and walk. I smiled as she looked my way, giving me a small smile.

She seems nice...

Peter gives a quick nod to the boys behind me, then stares at me for a few seconds before turning his attention back onto Wendy. I watch as they start to walk towards us slowly. I hear some lost boys whispering obviously about the new person as I turn my attention back to them, unbothered by the two approaches.

A few seconds later, I notice the boys going dead silent, and I feel a hand on my lower back. I jump a little from surprise, looking back to meet a pair of green eyes, Peter. Sighing, I turn my attention to him as he looks me up and down. My eyes follow his face down his torso admiring every little detail until they reach his arm, which I notice another arm grab.

I look back at Peter as he looks at his arm with an annoyed expression. I look up to the girl clinging to Peter; she smiles at me as I return it politely. Peter still has his hand on my lower back, so I quickly move to stand next to the silent boys. Unfortunately, I fail to move fast enough as Peter quickly grabs my waist, pulling me towards him and the girl.

I look at him, and I see him frown at me disapprovingly. "Anastasia, I need to talk to you." His voice holds orders and authority as I am ordered to stay. Almost instantly, Wendy starts talking, bringing me out of Peter's hold. "A pleasure to meet you. I am Wendy Darling." She says with an all too sweet voice giving me a hand to shake.

Trying to be as polite as possible, I shake her hand, smiling at her, "Nice to meet you, Wendy. I am Anastasia." I say to her, trying to match her high-pitched voice. Upon saying this, Peter quickly buts in. "Hm...Wendy will stay in the camp for...a while, and I want you, Anastasia, to show her around." He directs his attention to me as he grabs my arm that I shook with Wendy.

"Yeah, sure, I would be happy to show her around," I say to him, smiling at Wendy.

Bullshit, in fact, wasn't happy to show her around. I was already behind in my plan to escape, and I didn't have time to be 'friends' with Wendy. I know it's not her fault; she seems nice, but to be honest, I don't intend to be her friend or associate myself with her.

I look around, realising the group of boys has drifted across the camp—what a bunch of wusses. I look back to Peter as he motions for me to take Wendy and go. So this idiot wants me to tour her now? I give him a stare as I begin to walk, Wendy following behind me.

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Word count: 1132

𝓛𝓸𝓼𝓽  𝓪𝓷𝓭  𝓕𝓸𝓾𝓷𝓭Where stories live. Discover now