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I take one of the many bottles out, reading the label. Whisky?

I have never had alcohol, so I have always wondered what it tastes like. No one would mind if I have a sip?

I take a cup out from the cupboard and the bottle and place it on the desk while seating myself. I pour myself a glass watching the liquid swirl. Placing it up to my lips, I take a tiny sip, testing the flavour on my tongue.

Not that bad, but not the best.

I take a bigger sip, swirling it around in my mouth. The liquid burns my throat, but I still swallow it down. Finally, I finished the glass and decided to pour myself another drink.

My head starts to feel heavy, and my body feels a new spark. I chug down glass after glass giggling as I do. I had finished the whole bottle and went into a giggling fit.

I stumble from the chair, unable to keep sitting still yet falling onto the ground, happy laughing. Finally, I picked myself up and decided to go for a little walk. Skipping to the door with confidence, I go out of the treehouse.

As I descend the stairs, I go past Peter; I grin at him, showing off my teeth. He looks at me confused, raising an eyebrow.

"Hi, Petter Heheheh", I slur out uncontrollably, smirking. He grabs me by the arms, stopping me from going any further. He stands there and looks at me with a disapproving expression. "Anastasia, you better not of been drinking what I think you have." He warns me, anger pulsing through him.

He fumes with anger as I realise I fucked up.

Shift shit shot.

I slip out of his grip and boldly run down the stairs two at a time.

Bad idea.

I trip over myself, falling to the bottom of the staircase. After apologising to the stairs, I keep my run in the direction of the camp. I look over my shoulder to see Peter running after me, furious.

I look back in front of me, losing focus and tripping over air, landing flat on my face. My head starts to spin, but I laugh and decide I want to be a ninja. So I do a roly-poly ending in a ninja pose while I try unsuccessfully to run to the camp secretly.

I got a new wave of confidence flowing through me as adrenaline pumped through my body. I sprint to camp, running past Felix and a group of older boys as they look at me, confused.

Peter runs after me but stops to quickly whisper something in Felix's ear, giving me a chance to run and hide. My head pounds and my body starts to feel heavy, yet I'm having too much fun. I see him catching up to me.

Shit, I need to hide.

As I was in a drunken state, I decided climbing a tree was an excellent idea. I managed to climb onto the first branch and then on to the second and third with much difficulty. Finally, I rise on of fours and clamper onto the tree like a koala.

He stops right under my tree, expecting something to happen. I quickly stand up on the tree branch, almost falling off. "Peter, look, I'm a type rope walker!" I slur out, giggling as he looks up to find me walking on a thin branch without support. Again, I laugh as I almost lose my place of foot.

I look down to see him with a disapproving look, a tint of worry and anger covering his face as he watches me slowly walk, pretending to be in the circus.

"Anastasia. Get. Down. Now." I giggle at his threat. He furry his eyebrows together, and his knuckles go white from anger.

I try to do a flip for my ending performers, but as I get ready to jump up, I trip over myself, falling down the tree.

As I fall, I let out a scream, the wind whipping my hair. I feel some solid muscular arms around me and open my eyes to find Peter has caught me.

I grin up at him as he has an unreadable expression on his face.

"Again!" I shout, waving my arms in the air.

I see him sigh as he holds me bridal style. I try to wiggle out of his hold, but he grips onto me tighter. He looks down at me as I nuzzle my head into his chest.

"tsk tsk tsk, what am I going to do with you?" He questions himself, looking down at me disapprovingly. "No more drinking for you, Love." He spoke to me as I cock my head to the side and grin.

He carries me up to the treehouse laying me on the bed. I giggle as he shakes his head, beginning to leave. "nooooo, Peterrrr stayyyy." I whine to him as he raises an eyebrow. "Princess, you know I can't" I frown at him getting upset. "Pleaseeeee." I wine, making him sigh out.

He takes his shirt and shoes off to reveal his perfectly toned abs. I giggle as he gets into bed on the opposite side.

My head spines and body felt weird, but sleep somehow took over me.

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Word count: 903

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