Twenty-One: Saint Morseti

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Tears welled in her eyes and I didn't mind as I paid quickly.

When we got outside the tears finally spilled down her face.

I pulled her into the alleyway between two stores and she began sobbing.

I admired the ring on her left finger.

"What did you expect, Danika? Don't be shocked. You didn't even try to read the paper." I sighed, gloating a bit.

"Fuck you." She gritted out.

"I'd love if you would. Come on, you know, it's okay to love me. I love you so much. I adore and cherish you. I have no purpose on this earth if you aren't here." I said and she shook her head, mascara streaming down her face.

"No. This is not what is supposed to happen-"

"Let me guess you thought you could guilt me into letting you go overtime? This isn't some movie, my rose. I am mentally ill, what that means is I keep you. Even if you die before me I keep ahold of every bit of you until I go insane because my mental disorder cannot let you go, then I die of a broken heart or Lilly myself, whatever comes first. That's your reality and that is mine." I pushed my hands into my pockets.

"This is wrong, isn't that illegal-"

"Not if you don't say anything and let that be sent to the courthouse. I technically cannot get caught without evidence and you have none. I have proof you called me and texted me first, asking me to save you. I have a video tape of you hugging me in your own house and kissing me, I have audio proof you asked me to stay till you fell asleep." I shrugged.

"You're so selfish!" She shoved me and I smiled at the attempt.

"I know. I'm sorry for hurting you. But I did what was best for us." I whispered.

She shoved at me again and I sighed.

The third time I grabbed her wrists and walked us till she was against the wall.

"You can't hate me." I smiled.

Her face grew angrier.

"That's the part you don't like. The fact that no matter what I do, you still like me. No matter how I mess with that pretty little head, you'd probably keep coming back wouldn't you?" I asked.

She gasped a breath, lying her head on my chest, then she broke down.

I held her up, keeping her in my arms.

"I know, sweet girl."

"No you don't."

"I do. The pain you feel being here is the pain I feel being away. I can help you, I can make you so fucking happy. Just stop pretending like we aren't made for each other. We are."

She shook her head no.

I was going to pound this into her head.

No matter what it takes.

I pet her hair.

"My pretty, pretty, pretty girl. It'll all be okay. Soon enough you'll understand me. Soon enough you'll love me. I treat you so well." I kissed the top of her head.

I called off my men from keeping their eye on the jeweler.

He was free since he fulfilled his job in doing this for me and I paid him an extra 5k.

"I don't want this." She looked up at me, makeup smeared, green eyes glowing with the swollen red around them.

I smiled.

"You don't know what you want. You never have."

She cried, putting her head back on my chest.

I hushed her, rubbing her back.

"I know. It'll be alright, my love."

"For you." She muffled into my T-Shirt.

"And you. You'll see. You haven't given me the right kind of chance yet."

"Right kind of chance?" She sniffled, looking up at me again.

I removed my hand from her hair, wiping her face.

"All I've done is cook and threaten you. You haven't let me take you out or make you feel good, there's so much more I could do and give. I haven't even started yet."

I wiped under her eyes.

"Well I suppose we legally have a lifetime for that." She joked but immediately teared up again.

"Stop crying. You were never gonna leave me anyway."

She nodded.

"Can we not do the immediate house shopping? I probably look so bad."

"You look just the same. But if you don't want to we don't have to."

"Thank you." She whispered.

I kissed her forehead.

"I also need my hair washed but I forgot how you did it after." She mumbled.

"We can do that."

"Can I have wine?"

"Two glasses max."

"Deal." She nodded.

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