Chapter 33

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"I can't believe they fired you," Maisy mumbled, digging into her bag for some snacks. She pulled out trail mix, ginger ale and some popcorn.

"Are you feeling sick?" Junie asked.

Maisy shook her head. "I took my nausea pills before we took off. I'm just munchy now. Don't change the subject."

Junie sighed. She had been fired almost immediately after it was announced that she would be on Wake Up America.

Her boss had actually called a meeting between her and the celebrity that she wrote for. She had never even met the lady even though Junie had based so many of her pieces around her life.

The celebrity lady had accused Junie of using her ideas for Junie's own success.

Junie was just glad that it was over. She was glad that there were no legal complications, and honestly, she was okay with losing her job. Everything had already changed so much that her job felt like an old version of herself that she had outgrown.

She wasn't trying to get her hopes up though. The success of her last article on her personal blog was just a fluke, and things were going to go back to normal soon enough.

"There's nothing else to say," Junie told Maisy. "I'm a little upset about how it went down, but it was time for a change."

"Time for a change?" Maisy repeated, before teasingly asking, "Who are you?"

Junie rolled her eyes.

"Can you believe they put us in business class?" Junie asked, changing the subject once again. She had never even been on a plane before, let alone business class.

Junie glanced over at MiMi who had headphones on and a book splayed on her lap. She was probably the most excited out of all of them.

The three of them had to be up extremely early in the morning, but they also would get done early enough to sight see and explore the big city.


"Juniper and Maisy," Grace greeted. She was a striking woman, and looked every bit of New York as a person could "And you must be the famous Margaret. We are so glad you three could be here with us today. I am going to introduce you to the producer of the show who will give you a run down of everything that is about to happen."

Maisy jittered excitedly next to Junie who was struggling to breathe. She had no idea what she was doing here. She was a writer, not a public speaker.

And she wanted Levi. He would know exactly what to say to make her feel better. She hadn't spent a night away from him since she had met him.

"This is Mrs. Stewart. She's the producer of Wake Up America and she will take care of you from here," Grace said, giving them a polite smile and a wave before she walked off, her heels clicking nicely against the floor.

Junie glanced at the familiar set with wonder. She had seen it so many times on TV, but never imagined seeing it in person.

"It's great to meet you all," Mrs. Stewart said. She certainly wasn't as nice as Grace as she looked the three of them up and down. "I love what you wrote and sent over for us. Our writers turned it into questions for our hosts to ask you all this morning. This might make it a little easier."

She handed them a script looking sheet of paper and Junie had to fight back her nausea.

"You two will be taking the couch right there. We have a commercial break right before you all go live, so we will get you seated, but it has to happen quickly."

Mrs. Stewart turned to MiMi.

"You will be joining our studio audience. Is that okay?"

MiMi nodded eagerly.

Mrs. Stewart called over a production assistant, and MiMi gave the two of them a hug before leaving to find her seat.

"We will put you guys in a room with some breakfast. Someone will retrieve you to prepare you," she said. "Any questions?"


Junie sunk into a plush chair, relieved to have some quiet for a moment. She watched Maisy pick up a huge muffin from the table lined with food in their room.

"Do you mind if I call Levi?" Junie asked.

"Of course not," she answered, plopping onto a couch. "I was going to call Luc."

Levi answered her video call immediately. He looks so handsome and she felt emotions bubbling up which was so silly, but she genuinely missed him.

"There's my pretty girl," he said, lips quirking up. "Look at you. You look absolutely stunning."

"Levi," she whispered. "I miss you."

"I miss you more," he said back. "But you don't need me to be there. You're going to do great all on your own. I'm so proud of you. I hope you know that. You work so hard, and I am so glad it's finally paying off, for both you and Mais."

Junie nodded.

"I will be watching every minute of it," he added.

"Good," Junie said. "Love you."

"Love you," he repeated just as soft. "Have fun in the big city today. Please be safe, and send me pictures. I want pictures with you in them."

She smiled. "I'll try to call you later if I get the chance."

"I'll be here," he said. "Talk to you later, okay?"

"Okay," she agreed, not wanting to see him go.

The call ended, and Junie looked at the screen, lost in her head until Maisy laughed.

"You'll never believe it, but Luc was one hundred percent hanging at your place," Maisy said, flopping onto the couch. "I could hear Levi in the background talking to you."

Junie smiled. "I knew they were secretly friends."

"At least bored out of their minds without us to entertain them," her friend said, still giggling.

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