Chapter 30

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"Junie," Maisy called, letting herself in. "Where are you at?"

"In the kitchen," Junie yelled back.

"Why are you on the floor?" Maisy asked.

"I like this spot," Junie said, closing the lid to her laptop. "What are you doing here? I thought you were working late."

"I got everything done," she said. "Levi asked me to come over."

"He did?" Junie frowned. "He said that Luc had asked him for something so he was going over to your place."

Junie stood up, setting her laptop on the counter. She reached up to rub her pounding headache.

"What's wrong?" Maisy asked. "Tell me honestly. Do you not like the house? You have hardly unpacked."

Junie sighed. She actually really liked the house, but she was struggling to make it her own. With huge deadlines for work, she hardly had time to unpack. Boxes were everywhere and it just didn't feel like home yet.

Junie had helped Maisy move and unpack, but this was Maisy's busiest time of year at her shop, so she really hadn't been able to help Junie.

Levi had been great. He had been a big help, but Maisy had been the one to help Junie decorate her last home, and Junie kind of wanted this to be the same way.

Maybe the biggest thing that was starting to bother her was that fact that she was going to lose her friend. It was inevitable, with Luc and the baby. It was never going to be what it once was. She was just trying to prolong her old life.

"Can you take a break from work? I'll help you get through a few of these boxes."

Junie agreed to let her help, and they started with the living room.

"How are you feeling? I haven't got to talk to you in a few days," Junie said, flattening down her third box. It was a relief to finally get this done.

"I'm still nauseous most of the time. It's like constant car sickness," Maisy said. "But I've learned how to function with it at this point."

Junie nodded, unsure of what to say next.

"How's work going?" Maisy asked.

"I had three major articles due before Christmas, and I have two done, but I saved the worst for last. It's taken me longer than I thought to get done."

Maisy also nodded. "This tree looks really good in here, and since this is our last box for this room, we should put the lights on it. It'll bring it all together."

It was nice to have some time with just Maisy. They got a lot accomplished, and got to catch up.

"I know there is something else bugging you," Maisy said a little while later. Junie was fixing them some lunch.

Junie plated their food, setting it on the small kitchen table.

"Junie, I know you better than anyone," Maisy pushed.

"Aren't you worried?" Junie asked finally.

"Are you crazy? Of course I'm worried. I don't know how to be a mom. I don't even know how to be a girlfriend, and now we're living together. It's already so much to balance, and I am terrified."

Junie felt the tears behind her eyes but she held them back.

"I don't mean to be this way," Junie whispered.

"I know," Maisy said, reaching for her hand. "Things have changed really fast. We went from three to five and now almost six people in our little group. This year has been a whirlwind. If you need time with me like this, you just have to say so. Please don't let it build up. I can't read your mind."

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