Chapter 27

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Things happened really fast. Junie made an offer that was lower than the asking price on the house and the owners had accepted.

She was right in the middle of all of the closing procedures. She had to deal with the bank, her old house, the new house, and her big yearly work evaluation to top it all off. 

"Junie, we feel like your work has been missing the mark lately," her boss said, barely looking up from the papers in front of her. It was a video call, and it was the same every year. Junie could almost recite the words her boss was going to say.

"We do appreciate your efforts. You are an exceptional editor, but your personal pieces lack the excitement that our clientele expects," her boss said. "For that reason, we are denying the supervisory position that you applied for."

"I understand," Junie said, even though she was absolutely crushed. This was the second year they had denied her promotion. "Thank you for considering it."

"Absolutely. Now, before we close this meeting I just want to remind you of your three major deadlines coming up. I need all of these pieces before Christmas Eve. And don't forget about our 3rd Annual Virtual Christmas Party with the whole team."

Junie closed her laptop with a sigh, scrubbing her face with her palm. She felt the familiar burn of tears, and they hit her cheeks before she could control them.

She didn't even have to open her eyes to know Levi was there. He scooped her up off of her chair, carrying her to the couch. She curled in close.

"What happened, Juniper?" he asked, rubbing her back. He pressed his lips to her forehead.

"Nothing," she whispered. "I'm just frustrated. It's always the same thing. I've worked with this company for almost four years and I haven't even moved up from this low tier that I'm at."

She wiped the tears with the back of her hand, curling close to Levi whose warm touch soothed her.

He hummed in response.

"I know exactly who she is going to promote, too. It's always the same. It's some new hire who has a certain look and style that matches this celebrity we write for. If that's what they were looking for, then why did they hire me?"

"I don't know," he answered. "I know that you are a fantastic writer and they don't know what they are missing out on."

She kissed his cheek.

"Maybe you should start something of your own," he said. "Not quit your job. I know you don't want to do that, so maybe something on the side. Didn't you say that the holidays were the best time for this kind of thing?"

Junie nodded, soaking in the advice. She had always considered it, and maybe this was what she needed to take that step. There was no harm in trying.

"I love you," Junie whispered.

He turned her face towards his, pressing his lips onto hers fiercely. Fire coiled in her belly and she did her best not to squirm. She needed to get back to work, and if she started moving, he was not going to let her go.

"My perfect little mate," Levi cooed.

Junie giggled helplessly, now a pile of mush in his hands.

He kissed her cheek, trailing his lips down her neck.

"Levi," she protested quietly after a moment. "I should do some more work."

He sighed.

"We're going to be helping Maisy and Luc do trips to their new house tomorrow," she added when he still didn't release her. "They have stuff everywhere. Luc's apartment, Maisy's house, MiMi's house."

Levi huffed a bit and Junie gave another gentle laugh.

"Maisy really wants to host Thanksgiving at her place this year even though it's literally next week, so we have to at least try to get most of her stuff over there," Junie said. "She has to work the rest of the weekend. She's doing all of this prep for her shop for Thanksgiving orders, and then she is having a huge Black Friday and Small Business Saturday events to top it off."

Levi groaned. "I don't even know what the hell any of that means. It sounds like you're just making excuses to keep away from me."

Junie pouted even though she knew he was only teasing.

He kissed her pouty lips.

"I'm always happy to help," he said finally. "And I am learning about all of these new things. There is so much packed into these two months."

"You're starting to understand," she smiled, kissing his cheek and moving to get off of him.

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