Chapter 24

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"Junie's right. You're going to make yourself sick, honey," MiMi consoled, fixing the hair on Maisy's neck. Maisy's crying hadn't eased, and she was an absolute mess.

It didn't take long for Levi to return with Luc over his one shoulder and pizza in his other hand.

Luc groaned as Levi dropped him harshly back into the chair.

Levi caught Junie's eye and shrugged.

"You told me to get him," Levi said, setting the pizza down on the coffee table.

Luc clutched his head.

"Levi, take Luc to get some ice for that," MiMi instructed. The two men obeyed.

"I should've told you," Maisy whispered, sniffling a bit as her tears finally dried. "It's just embarrassing. I should have known better. I shouldn't have gotten so caught up. I can't be a mother. I feel like I am just now figuring things out, and-"

MiMi hushed her. "Things happen. No one ever feels like a mother. It's just something that comes with time. You and Luc will work it out."

Maisy nodded. "I've made such a mess of everything. I'm sorry."

"There's no mess here," Junie eased, rubbing her back. "You know, I would like to at least look at these houses that are for sale."

"Really?" Maisy asked, finally smiling.

"None of us like change, but this is a change that I can get behind," Junie said, also smiling.  "You're going to be an awesome mom."

Maisy laughed. "Please don't make me cry again."

"I don't have to move into the guest house, but it would be really nice to have for those first few weeks the baby is here, so I could stay with you without invading your space."

Maisy pulled MiMi in for a hug.

"I'm going to get us some plates for pizza and see what the boys are up to," Junie said, standing up.

Levi and Luc were sitting at the small kitchen table, talking quietly amongst themselves.

Levi reached for her, pulling her close.

"I didn't consider the possibility that Maisy could get pregnant," Luc told Junie softly. "It was careless of me, and then I got scared."

Junie nodded. "Maisy is also scared. You need to be there for each other. You can't disappear if things get hard or scary."

Luc dropped the bag of ice he had resting on the back of his head with a groan.

Junie retrieved plates from the cabinet, and things finally settled. MiMi flipped on a movie and it was quiet. Maisy had yet to even look in Luc's direction as she ate her pizza. Junie could tell she was exhausted. Junie was exhausted after all of that.

"Maisy," Luc whispered. "Can we talk please?"

Maisy nodded. She retrieved her jacket and they stepped outside.


"Maisy, baby, I am so sorry that I walked out a few minutes ago. I shouldn't have added to your stress like that," Luc said, taking a seat on the step of the front porch. He took Maisy's hands.

"I should have told you as soon as I found out," Maisy whispered, her bottom lip wobbling. "I am just so scared."

"I am too," he admitted, running a hand through his hair with a sigh. "I've never imagined myself being a father, not until this moment."

"I know. I feel the same way."

"We're going to be awesome parents," Luc teased, nudging her shoulder with his. "I can make this right, baby. We can get married, or we can buy the house you want. I'll even get us a mini van."

Maisy laughed. "I don't think I want a mini van, but the sentiment is nice."

Luc grabbed her face gently, turning her to face him.

"I know it's scary, Mais, but it's also really exciting. I keep picturing this little girl that is just as stunning as her mother, and I can't wait."

Maisy leaned up for a kiss.

"I know it's not an easy journey," he continued. "but it's our journey and it's our little family that we're growing."

"It happened fast," she added quietly.

"So did our relationship," he said, smiling a bit. "The moment I met you, I knew you were forever. I'm here for you. I'm always here for you, and I don't want you to ever be afraid of talking to me."

He leaned for another kiss.

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