Chapter 6

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Junie was embarrassed that she had ruined dinner, even though MiMi had insisted that she hadn't.

Levi and MiMi probably could hear every bit of Junie and Maisy's conversation, to make matters worse.

"I'm sorry that I upset you," Levi said during the drive home. It had been quiet until now.

"It's nothing," Junie said, pulling into her driveway. "Why don't you take the guest room as your own space? We can fix it up however you'd like."

Levi followed her into the house and into the guest room. There was a bed and a nightstand and a large desk that she usually used as her office. She would clear it out for him tomorrow. She could probably move the desk into her bedroom.

"This is fine, Juniper. Thank you."

She nodded, already leaving the room. "I'm going to bed. Good night."

Junie took a shower and fell asleep almost as soon as her head hit the pillow.

"Juniper," Leviathan whispered. She was wrapped in his arms, his hand running along the curves of her back. "You are beautiful."

His head bent down until his lips met hers. She was fuzzy all over, and she felt her toes curl in her socks as the innocent kiss became more intense. Her whole body shuddered.

He laid her on her bed. His warm hands cupped her cheeks, holding her in place against his lips.

"What do you want, Juniper?"

"Please," she whispered as he trailed the kisses down her neck. She arched into him. "I want you, Leviathan."

Juniper woke up to her alarm blaring in her ear. She pushed herself up with a yawn. Her dream was still fresh in her mind, and she was completely embarrassed by it. She needed to get it together. She didn't know Leviathan. There should be no reason why she would be fantasizing about him like that.

He was undeniably hot though.

She had a meeting this morning, virtually of course, and a major deadline by Tuesday. It was going to be a busy Friday, especially if she wanted to keep her weekends work free as usual.

Levi's door was open. The bed was still neatly made, but Levi had mentioned that he did not sleep, along with not eating.

The smell of fresh coffee hit her nose and she curiously turned into the kitchen, only to find Levi cooking something at the stove.

"I haven't done this before," he admitted, plating what looked like a perfect omelette, exactly like what she typically ate for breakfast. "I hope it's okay."

He already had her cup of coffee poured, and he set it at her seat on the kitchen table.

She was really touched by the gesture.

"You didn't have to do that," she said, feeling the blush rise to her cheeks. The contents of her dream were still on the forefront of her mind, especially since he was still bare chested, despite the t-shirts she had bought him. The plaid pajama pants fit him perfectly and made him look even more tantalizing than before. "Thank you."

"You're welcome," he said, sitting next to her.

"Are you bored?" she asked curiously. "You don't sleep or eat."

He shrugged. "I am happy, Juniper."

She smiled behind her mug. "That's not what I asked."

He didn't say anything else. He usually didn't.

"You know, I was thinking that we could start where everybody starts when they meet someone. Maybe we could try a date?"

He hummed. "A date?"

"Just like an activity we do together to spend time together and get to know each other," she said.

"Okay," Levi nodded. He seemed pleased.

"You haven't seen downtown yet. How about we go down there tonight? I'll show you some of my favorite spots."

He agreed.

He sat with her most of the day, reading or listening to her on her meeting. He seemed to always keep a watchful eye on her, fully in tune with her every move.

She finished most of her article that was due Tuesday. She had one final check in next Monday and then she would be set.

"Do you like your job?" Levi asked curiously as they walked downtown later that evening.

Junie hesitated before nodding. "I love to write and edit, and the money is really good, but I'm writing for someone else, as someone else. I only get part of the credit."

"Why would you prefer that?"

She shrugged. "I'm not a big name, not like the celebrity who owns the website. Her name and her stamp is what brings people in. That's what makes the money."

"I'm sure that whatever you wanted to write, people would listen," Levi said after a moment.

That meant more to her than he would ever realize.

She reached for his hand, lacing their fingers together.

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