|•CHAPTER 85•|

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"I swear she is gone kill that guy or make him a Devdas for sure " Riya said through the call

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"I swear she is gone kill that guy or make him a Devdas for sure " Riya said through the call

"Oh this girl!I am on the way Rii!Take care" Aditi said ending her call and pushing her phone into her hand bag!

She doubted if she felt Paranoia or what but she felt someone watching her! She took her usual way back from school to home but yet something was unsettling.

She had gone to the school to take transfer to Bangalore! And this was her last visit to this school in chennai and she felt overwhelmed.

Right now knowing or unknowing she knew Aravind was in the city has hers! It would be a shameful lie if she lied she did not except him to show up somewhere and she would see him but then it did not happen until a few minutes later .

Thinking of him! Made a small smile break on her lips! They were like hands of a clock.
Sometimes they were close, sometimes

She was engaged now! Things did not feel right exactly when it should feel right! A constant fear pricking her from in while she managed pull she is fine look in front of everyone .
She knew she was pulling a dangerous move and pulling Nitin in the mess but then she knew if not now then she would never move on.
She was sure ! She is not tearing down her walls for anyone again if someone wanted  to know what's inside? Climb.

From the corner of her eyes! She saw him in standing against his car in baby pink shirt!
The moment his eyes meet hers she realised she has been looking at him for a long time and she immediately looked away holding her bag tightly.

And when she saw him jog towards her! Her heart was ready to jump from her ribcage to her mouth in seconds.

And Arvind was not any less than her! He appeared to look string but deep inside he was shaking and melting looking at her!

He quickly stopped her standing in-front of her ! While she looked down as if the road looked interesting than anything! Aravind bent his head down and looked at her face! The same gorgeous face but she's changed

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He quickly stopped her standing in-front of her ! While she looked down as if the road looked interesting than anything! Aravind bent his head down and looked at her face! The same gorgeous face but she's changed. He could see it in her eyes, feel it in her aura, hear it in her tone. she's not the same. and she's never coming back. And a part of him died knowing its him who killed the spark in her.

"Aditi?" He called her, a wind passed by so gently and easily that Aditi blamed that for the goosebumps she had now .

"What do you want?" She finally asked looking at him
There was no anger in her eyes now but a calm, heroic grief.

"Aditi I-"words seemed cut off from his reach as he gasped for help wiping his sweaty face with his hands!

His eyes fell on her engagement ring shining taunting him,mocking him in various languages while he could do nothing but stare at it

"Can we talk! I am sure we can fix this" Aravind said

"The scars you left need healing not fixing " she said as she looked up at him.
He looked back at her, His hair was still a mess, and in-the bright morning sun-light he looked more handsome and more human than she have ever seen him

"I guess I'm asking you to trust me," he said.

"And i feel you're unworthy of the trust! I agree you having no feelings for me is fine i understand! There is no rule you should fall for me but then you shouldn't have begged me for a chance ! You shouldn't have given him those stupid hopes and crash them " Aditi yelled

"You know what? You're a coward Aravind ! Your a coward on so many levels that looking at you now makes me wanna go back in time and change things" Aditi said as she covered her face with her palms to hide tears which threatened her to fall

Aravind  gently pulled her hands away cupping his own cheeks!

"You can kill me brutally with anything Aditi but then this! " he said wiping away her tears with his thumb

"Please don't! One chance Aditi! Just once please " he begged

Aditi took her hands away and stepped behind and wiped her face and started walking away while pretending she did not him call her.


"Stop having that face" dev yelled  Aravind

" yes! If i should sit like the way your sitting then think how sad my face will look" Vikram asked

"I think don't understand how Aditi talked to him" Arjun said with a shrug earning glare from him

" exactly! You were the one who said you didn't want her now why?" Dev asked

"I-" Aravind started but was interrupted by Vikram

"That's love you heartless human! That's love what do you know about that" Vikram asked making dev let out a small laugh sarcastically

"Aye  ! Now listen shall we all try to convince Aditi? " dev asked

" Arya at least chased me with sandals Aditi will definitely threw that in our head! Especially now when she is engaged " Vikram said

" hey listen! Why don't we kidnap Nitin from the wedding?" Arjun asked

"After that? What are we gone do? Dance with him? Dev asked

"No i am serious! We barely have three days time to win back Aditi and that nearly impossible ! Now in this crucial time kidnapping the groom will only help to stop the wedding!"Arjun explained

" i think he makes sense! Let the wedding stop first then let's get back to Aditi " Vikram said

"Dumbest plan i have ever heard!" Came a feminine voice suddenly and there stood Keerthana with her hands folded across her chest




Instagram id : author_rithika

Instagram id : author_rithika

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