|°CHAPTER 11°|

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Blasting in a terrific headache,loud alarm ringing in his ears

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Blasting in a terrific headache,loud alarm ringing in his ears.

Dev sat on the floor and looked around the mess they had created last night.

He tried recalling things but the only thing he remembers was how CSK lost the match and he cried himself to bed with Vikram patting him like a good father.

"Ahhhh" he hissed as the sharp pain in his head pieced and few chip's crumbs were stuck in his sweaty arms.

Something hit him and he searched for his phone which was laying like a orphan under the sofa .

He grabbed and noticed 5 miss calls from his mother and one from his hostel room mate .

He gently threw his phone on the sofa and yawed and something hit him again and he grabbed the phone immediately and noticed a call from him to Riya (33 Mins)

Dev knew! He knew he did not call her yesterday when he was in his sense !

And ladies and gentlemen at this moment he knew he fucked up!

He immediately rushed to the washroom to finsh his moring chores .

A thousand of thoughts running in his mind!

His own reflection in the mirror laughing at him ,dev immediately covered his face and cringed .

His perfect, good, the best senior was runied and he wanted to explain it to riya.

But he did not know how? Dev has always been that pampered child ,who did not know how to ask sorry, please or even make a apology but he was a guy who felt bad , every single emotiona ,could easily realize and understand if someone was hurt .

But comforting and confronting them was a different and difficult case for him.


Riya and her girls were in their normal bench , Aishwarya went away to feed the dogs and keerthana was working her life out for the art works.
Aditi was munching Pringles and riya was kinda helping keerthana in art and Aditi to finsh the Pringles too .

Riya was dressed up in a German blue frock, a oxided eating and a thin chain with her ring in it.

Her curly hairs open in the hair to dance!she looked so dreamy yet lively.

"I'll leave to the class!" Aditi told as she started to pack her bag

"I will join too" keerthana told.

Riya had this hour free so she was basically alone and was roaming around the canteens and college campus watching the yellow flowers fall so gracefully on the dusty roads .

And just like that a smile over took her face when certain someone 's voice flashed her mind.

What was it? When did she started doing it? Wasn't she heart broken? She was that riya who was still not over a tiny crush of a guy who left her 5 years ago right?

"Riyaaaa!" Came a familiar voice and riya still noticed how her smile never left her face.

She looked up at the dev who was walking towards  her ,he was wearing a light green shirt and white pants, his face was wet saying he just washed his face ,he was wiping his face with a kerchief and a breathtaking smile appeared on his damn face and as he came near her

"Hiiiiii!" He said

Riya had to snap away her eyes from that charming face

"Hey actually..." Dev started ,his hands scratching the nape of his neck and a nervous Chuckle broke his lips

"I known!" Riya finished him with a small smile.

"And trust me when i say you have a beautiful voice!" She added

"The hell! You heard me sing also???????"

"Of course? You wanna hear?" Riya asked as she pulled her backpack to the front and grabbed her phone and played the recording.

Since the place was crowded ,she moved a little close to him and so did dev to hear the recording clearly.

A fresh smell of orchid hit his nose, she smelled like a calm lonley night by the river side.

Lonely,calm yet beautiful.

And when the recording was ending dev realised he and his friends where talking about how dev fell down his bike

He tried grabbing riya's phone from her hand but Riya was quick enough to hold it away.

She looked at him with a smirk and showed her tongue out and giggled

"Hey delete nah please?"

"Aye? So soon? No way I have to show this to our entire batch!" Riya declared and started walking and turned back and realised dev was slowly following her which made her phase quick and she started running with dev chasing her .

Giggles and laughs filled in the air and they both ran around the campus and riya stopped to catch some oxygen and dev did too.

He bent and held his knees and panted hard for his breath .

And riya's heart skipped a beat nahh her heart skipped one more beat when she saw him walking towards her.

He was very slow and if she wanted she could have run but Riya felt like the man in front of her casted a spell and she was trapped .

Her back hit the brack and she was sure her head would too but when her head hit , she felt something soft,her eyes went sideways and saw dev had placed his hands on the bark preventing her from getting hit by the hard brack.

Unknowingly a huge smile broke her face and looking at that dev smiled too.

He did not why? How? But he liked that smile on her face ,thoese lonely full eyes sparkles that moment and he kinda liked ,he likes it more when he was the reason for it.

Understanding  dev was zoned out ,riya quickly yet quietly escaped from his side and grabbed her backpack  and ran towards her class giggling

"Byee" he yelled

"Byeeeee" she yelled back giggling

And after years she felt herself ,she felt the riya who she thought she lost.




People watching dev and riya run around the campus!

People watching dev and riya run around the campus!

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(Translate: so pity! Seems like some mad people)

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