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The same following night here in aditi flat's terrace under the moon light and stars blessing their presence

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The same following night here in aditi flat's terrace under the moon light and stars blessing their presence.

Keerthana laid flat on the floor looking up at the sky trying to count the tiny stars which came to see her and bless her with its presence .

And leaning to the tank wall! Aishwarya,Riya and Aditi were shouting and screaming to help them.


"ITS FUCKING A MOLOTOV COCKTAIL AND I AM BURING! HELP MEEE RIYAA!" Aishwarya shouted kicking her legs in the air

"I AM TRYING TO BITCH WAIT!" Riya yelled back knocking her phone and all the three eyes were stuck to their phone as if they were dying in real life!

Keerthana literally rolled over to aishu's foot and aishu who was kicking her feet in the air kicked keerthana!

"Ahhhh!" Keerthana hissed in pain

"WE ARE DIED!" Riya declared refering to the game

"FOR REAL!" Aditi told in horror looking at keerthana raging over Aishu.

It did not take a minute or two for aishu to get up and start running for her dear life and keerthana running behind her

And after few minutes they both returned and sat down!

Aishwarya rubbing her head where keerthana hit!

"Alright! Let's play some songs, finsh the pizza and then investigate about Aishwarya 's Mr.hair tie stealer ! Okay?" Aditi asked to which the girls nodded .

"*Coughs* done *coughs*"  keerthana coughed in between talking,riya passed her a water bottle and Aditi patted her head.

"Which Rascal is scolding me in the middle of the *coughs* night!" Keerthana asked no one in particular

Ahem! We know who! Don't we?

"Alright! Now Kiki stop talking for a few minutes and you will be okay!" Aditi told to which keerthana nodded

Just when riya 's phone rang! It was dev

Ahem! We also know how this phone call came! Don't we?

"I will get back in a few minutes!" Riya told as she picked up the call and walked away to the corner of the terrace

"Hello? Hello dev? Dev???" Riya called and looked at her phone after hearing only sound IPL counters behind.

A few seconds later a raspy yet soothing voice hit her ears!

Blessing her ears with his voice! Dev was singing a song to the fullest and did not take a minute for riya to understand he was drunk.

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