|°CHAPTER 04°|

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Aishwarya stood infront of Room number 208 ! Her feet tapping the ground impatiently waiting for that damn lecture to get over and that certain someone to come out from the class!

She had to get done with her eco club enrollment before she heads back to her flat!

Keerthana had left early to watch arjun drag his bike! Ahem this is what Aishwarya thought.

Aditi was in the library waiting for aravind and riya was currently in the garden waiting for her .

She was actually waiting for Vikram! Aditi told her that he was the head and she had to collect the forms from him .

But here in the ground floor! Opposite to room number 108 Vikram leaned back to the wall ,his right leg in the wall, his hands ruffling his hairs

And like always he had bunked a class to talk to one of his friend who had called him after a long time .

The class ended soon and the students walked out! Aishwarya went around asking around if they know who Vikram is?

But heard the answer as ' he did not come to class today' !

And now Aishwarya was annoyed! What was the use of waiting for an hour for the man who had never showed up to class !

Arghhhhh! Aishwarya felt her temper raising.

She grabbed her bag and started walking down the stairs!

Here Vikram pretend like he did not notice Hema!
A pure stalker of his watch him talk!

He hated her with all his guts! He hated how hema did not respect his privacy!

Once or twice it was fine but Vikram had to tolerate this from the first year! He rembrands how each girl who approached him in even in a friendly manner was raged and mentally tortured by her.

Just when Vikram ended his call Aishwarya walked down the stairs and noticed Vikram standing all calm and composed!

She realized it was the guy who had dashed into her in the morning!

She was already angry about the head of eco club who had not shown up! And this man who stood in front of her in that grey shirt and black pants and his messed up hairs ! Aishwarya could smell his Cologne from a distance that strong it was.

Aishwarya did not know it was Vikram,she just know his as the guy who dashed into her in the morning .

"Daii" she yelled as she walked towards him

Vikram stopped for a minute and watched that short girl literally running towards him!

A adorable chuckle begged him to break but as the emotion masking guy he was he hided it perfectly.

"You were the one who made me late to the class in the morning right?" She asked .

They both stood infront of eack other.

Aishwarya 's white top and thoese tiny pink flowers embroidered in it made her look all soft and calm but it did not take a minute for Vikram to guess she was anything but soft and calm.

"You know what? Whenever you walk around you need to keep your concentration on the path you walk and also you should lift your leg and walk not drag it ! Okay?" Aishwarya told as if she was teaching a one year old how to walk

Vikram could not help but find her adorable! He badly want to pull that chubby cheeks and thoese round doe eyes of her looking all so pure and beautiful while she talked.

And with the way she talked! Vikram knew she had no idea who he was and for some reason he enjoyed that but soon he felt someone's eyes on him.

His eyes wandered around and found hema looking at him! His eyes as evil as always.

He looked at Aishwarya who was still talking! He smiled to himself as Silly idea striked his brain.

Vikram pulled out the rubber band from Aishwarya 's pony tail making her hairs dance in the free air

"YOU DONKEY!" She yelled, Vikram raised his hands up with the rubber band making it impossible for that short girl to reach .

Hema watched these in pure jealousy! She was in enough distance to see what was happening but not to heard what they had talked.

Here vikram's eyes falied to blink at the sight of this tiny lady who looked so freaking gorgeous!

Aishwarya gave up trying to catch her rubber bands and started walking away from him as much as she could curse him.

"I swear to god lord that you only eat curd rice for the rest of your life" Aishwarya yelled as she walked backwards

"Hey your hair tie!!!" Vikram yelled but Aishwarya was too quick to get out from there .

Vikram had no idea who she was? What was her name ? All he knew was she was a first year student with a most beautiful hairs!

He looked down at the hair tie in his palm and pushed it into his pocket !

Ahem! Just in case if he meets her in future he can give it !


"What happened to your hairs?" Riya asked looking at Aishwarya who walked towards her like a Kali

She did not answer but gave a deadly stare to riya which made her gulp!

"Alright! Might be a new trend i guess let's go" riya told as she dragged aishu out with her






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