Page 7 : Endearing words

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It was a very sunny day, Angel is currently at school. It's morning and she is currently taking her monthly exam. The whole surrounding was quiet and the faint scribbling of a pen against a paper was heard. Angel heard Ruth casually whispering to her in a harsh manner since the woman is quiet far from her, Angel's brows furrowed and she looks at Ruth from the other row. The woman had her mouth moving slowly and Angel squints her eyes before shaking her head.

"Answer number four." Ruth mouthed slow but Angel was too lost in her thoughts, she just saw Ruth goofing around and making faces to her.

"Ha?" Angel mouthed and her face was somewhat sour looking and irritated that she had to deal with this but she doesn't want to be selfish knowing everyone in this University aims to pass in any way they can, smarts or hacks.

"Four." Ruth says with a hiss and said it a little louder than a usual whisper would sound like,

"Miss Sy, eyes on your paper!" The Professor looks at Ruth and Ruth jolts at the call of her name before looking down and eyed on her paper, Angel looks back to her own paper then shook her head.

"Andyan sa mukha ni Miss Fernandez ang sagot?" The Professor scolds then sighed and the rest of the students snickered as they wrote down their answers on the sheets.

She didn't understand what kind of kid genius movie Ruth faced but she never understood the mouthing. Angel proceeds with writing on her exam sheet paper, it was going to be a difficult day for Angel but she hopes at least when she gets out of the University she will head to the cat cafe with less people and less lines so she can have her relaxation.

It is well deserved after all.

Angel smiles as she writes down her answers and hold the test paper, she reads them all carefully, mumbling as she reads and paused before even answering the questionnaire. She can't help but be a little inspired as well knowing a certain someone was able to make her active and looked forward as days go by so suddenly.

Angel was the first to get out of her chair and when she passed her examination sheet then went to her bag and got out her phone before she sits comfortably on the edge and most far part of the classroom. She looks at the messages and immediately saw that Rei left her three messages.

The two have been exchanging messages for a week now, Angel found a liking to it, at first it was odd and something so new to her to be talking to someone so much in her phone. She isn't well talkative to anyone not unless it's her best friend and when she leaves massages for in the group chat of their batch. She found Rei safe to talk to and her heart feels light as it goes one.


Message from Rei

Hey Angel

I'm in the cafe now

How was the exams, pretty girl?

October 1 202X 11:11NN

Hello po, exams done :))

Angel hits the send button before she gets up from her chair and put on her blush pink shoulder bag before she heads out of the classroom since there was no class during the afternoon and she figured she'd be a little more present and early in the cafe tho she knows Rei is still in Cavite, on the woman's other cafe but Angel was just too giddy.

She somehow found her routine that involves with Rei out of the blue, it was sudden and somehow new to her. She hardly feels inspired to any people, to anyone that's outside from her family. She had her flings for sure but something about this one seemed so different. Rei is clearly just flirting with her, maybe trying to fool around with her but somehow Angel finds a contentment of commitment within her gut for this special woman.

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