Chapter 23 : Act normal

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Bloom's POV

I woke up and was happy as I remembered that I had planned to go see my parents today. It's been 10 days since I last visited them and I hope that they are talking to one another.

I looked over at Aisha's bed and saw that she was gone. She must have already gone on her Swim so I decided to get dressed and see if someone wanted to eat breakfast with me before class started for the day. I ate breakfast with Terra and we talked about some plants and how it was growing up here around Alfea it was the first time in a weary long time that I spent time with Terra just the two of us.

Our first class was with Ben. He was teaching us about nature and how it can affect our powers and how Earth's fairy can affect the nature around them both positively and negatively.

we then all agreed to go outside for our brake before our next class which was with Rosalind and I don't think it was going to be as peaceful as Ben's class was. It was a beautiful day and we sat down on the grass. I sat down and Aisha sat beside me and we all just sat and talked for about 30 minutes before we walked to class. 

We walked into the classroom room Stella walked in first and I walked in after her and I saw Rosalind staring at us like she was mad or knew that we knew something.  Musa, Terra, and Aisha sat down at the table in front of me and Stella. Beatrix came and sat down beside Stella at our table. I poked Aisha on the shoulder and she, Musa, and Terra turned around and looked at me. "what is it, Bloom?" I looked at Stella and Beatrix and back at Aisha, Musa, and Terra. "act normal okay?" They looked a little weird at me and then I said to evaporate so that they would understand what I meant. "Rosalind is watching us like she knows please just act normal." They all nodded and turned back to look at Rosalind.

Rosalind began teaching after everyone had sat down and all eyes fell on her and she got everyone's attention. Rosalind began talking about how Farris can combine their powers they just have to be skilled enough and I knew where this was going the moment she mentioned combined magic. I looked at Stella and she was already looking at me we both knew what Rosalind was going to say in a few seconds. "Bloom and Stella, will you come up here and demonstrate for the rest of the class?" We looked at each other knowing we didn't have a choice so we stood up and walked up in front of the class.  we both looked at Rosalind waiting for her to tell us what to do but she didn't so I looked at Stella and she nodded knowing what I was thinking.

I focused on the rainbow of fire we made last time and my eyes turned orange then I looked at Stella and she nodded implying that she was ready. We made a rainbow of fire and I could see that everyone was confused about how we just knew what to do and Rosalind looked smacked about us succeeding again using her methods. We sat down again and the class ended shortly after. Rosalind said that everyone could leave except for Aisha, me, Musa, Terra, and Stella we all looked at each other and then Rosalind all expecting the worst.

We stayed seated as everyone left the room. Beatrix looked at us before she left because she knew what it was about and knew what was going to happen if Rosalind got one of us to tell her where my parents were.

"So girls I have heard that you know something that I should know...anyone wants to share what is it" We all looked at her none of us moving a muscle or saying anything. Rosalind made a little cold laugh and I looked into her cold eyes and regretted it immediately. "So It's like that we are going to do this then...okay, I have talked with Luna and she is on her way to talk to all of you and I think she is bringing some of her guards." We all looked at each other and I didn't mean for any of them to get hurt but I didn't want my parents to get hurt either so I spoke up hoping she would let the girls go. "Rosalind they don't know what you are talking about...But I please let them go and I will stay." She smiled and looked at me and I could feel all the girls looking at me. "That's weary sweet of you Bloom but haven't you learned anything...Bloom come up here." I hesitated but did as told I was afraid she was going to hurt the girls before but now I was afraid that she was going to hurt me in front of the girls. I have tried to shield them and not tell them everything but they know that Rosalind has been hurting me in almost every lesson when I didn't succeed or do it the way that she liked me to do it.

I stood looking at Rosalind and she grabbed me and I could feel that she started sending waves of shock through my body. She started with soft waves and then they became more and more powerful sone I couldn't stand I was trying hard not to let the girls see the pain I was in but I knew that Musa could feel it.

Rosalind let us all go after 10 minutes when no one wanted to tell her where my parents were. Musa and Aisha were fast to go get me they helped me walk and we all walked out and back to our suit. I was feeling dizzy and passed out as we walked back to the suite. I woke up laying on the couch and all the girls looking at me. "hey" they all laughed and then I sat up looking at all of them and said, "Thanks all of know not for telling her about my parents and I am sorry that we all will get taken away by the Queen's army when she gets here." They all smiled and I didn't understand why "What?" Stella looked at me and said, "I reached out to a contact at the castle and my Mom is not on her way here and neither is an we are safe for now." I smiled and was relieved that I wasn't going to prison. We all talked about what we were going to do next about this whole Rosalind situation and we all agreed that we should make a plan with my parents and Ben about how we will defend her. Stella said that her Mom was beginning to regret letting Rosalind out and that we maybe could get her on our side.

The girls decided to go get dinner and I told them that I would just go to bed because I was exhausted and they all agreed then Terra told me that she would bring some Pizza back for me if I woke up and was hungry. I thanked her and they left I went into my and Aisha's room took my pajamas on and laid down in my bed. I fell asleep thinking about how I had planned to see my parents today but I didn't go.

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