Chapter 18 : Hello Bloom

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Bloom's POV

I walked through the forest just thinking about everything and nothing. I came to the tree where the barrier that my mom has around our house starts. I never knew why my mom made a barrier but I get it now she was afraid of Rosalind and wanted to protect her family.

I touched the barrier and it felt different but I just thought it was because my mom was the one who put it up and now that she is gone it is weaker. I walked through it walked up to the cottage stepped open onto the porch and looked at the door. I thought something was different but I didn't want to give it any more thought and walked inside.

I walked in and looked around and then I took my coat off and walked into the kitchen. I got this huge urge for chocolate muffins. I found one of my mom's old cooking books and then I started finding the ingredients. I stopped and looked outside into the forest I thought I saw something or someone move around. But when I looked there was no one there. I the. Heard the front door open and I made a flame in my right hand ready to fight but hoping that it wasn't Rosalind.

I walked into the entrance and it was like the person who opened the door walked inside in slow motion. I saw that the person was a woman and then I saw the face of person and I could feel the tears streaming down my face. I let the flame go and I just stood paralyzed in my spot not moving a muscle.
"Hello, Bloom." I watched as she walked fully inside and closed the door behind her before I reacted and ran to her and hugged her. "Hello Mom" I hugged her tighter not wanting to let go. Not believing that it was really her and just wanting to believe it a little longer.

"Bloom sweetie you are squeezing me." I stopped hugging her and took a few steps back. "Sorry, Mom it's just it feels like a I wake up in a second and realize that you are gone." She took my hands in hers and said "It's real...I'm were you about to bake chocolate muffins?" I smiled at her and nodded. "We then walked into the kitchen together. We baked the muffins and had a great time doing so. I took a few of the muffins and put them on a plate for me and my Mom. I walked into the living room where my Mom was waiting I sat down beside her on the couch and we started eating our muffins.

We had eaten our muffins and talked for a little while when the question I had been dreading was asked. "How is your Dad Sweetheart?" I looked at my Mom and Then I looked down focusing on my hands. I didn't know how to tell her that he was in prison and Andreas was back. "Bloom it's okay just tell me." I looked back up at her and said "he is in Solaria right now... waiting for his trial to begin" I watched the look on my Mothers's face change from happy to worried and confused. "What do you mean by trial...what did he do?" I looked down as I said "Rosalind had help from Queen Luna as you know but she also had help from someone from your past...Andreas is back and that's why Dad is on trial for attempted murder." She looked at me with pure horror. "Did he say anything to you?" I looked at her and was about to ask her what she meant by that when I could see the tears in her eyes and I knew she knew what I was thinking about even though I thought I had put up mental barriers. "Ohh sweetie I am so sorry that happened to you." She took me into a hug and I cried a little as she held me. It felt really good having my Mom back and having someone to talk to like really talk to. Not because the girls aren't enough it's just I missed my Mom.

We talked for more than 3 hours when Aisha texted me asking where I was and if I was okay. I looked at my Mom and she already knew that it was one of the girls. "But I don't want to leave I just got you back." She smiled and gave me another hug and then she said "You have to go so Rosalind won't suspect anything...I am sorry sweetheart but I will be here tomorrow and the day after that you don't have to worry about me." I looked at her and made a sad smile. Of course, was I going to worry about her she is my Mom who has just come back from the dead, or was never dead we didn't even have time to discuss that. "We haven't even talked about everything yet there is so much more I want to know and so much more that you need to know." She looked at me with a happy face but her eyes were sad. "It's going to be okay you can come back in a few days and we can talk some more but please don't say anything to the girls yet because I am still hiding from Rosalind." I nodded and hugged her one more time before I walked out and back through the forest and back to the school.

I walked inside the school and was happy that I didn't see Rosalind. I walked into the suites and then I just walked into Aisha and my room and stopped down on the bed. I wasn't even tired I just was so happy I needed something to hold me up. I stayed on my bed thinking about my Mom and Dad and everything that had happened since I thought she passed away. How different and default my life is now and how much I have grown as a person but also with my powers. I lay on the bed for over 20 minutes just thinking not even realizing that I had been lying there for so long. I decided to take a shower and then go get something for lunch or dinner it was kinda of in between so call it what you want. I was hungry and saw the girls eating too so I sat down with them they said they were having a late lunch and then I said that was exactly what I was doing too. We sat in the cafeteria talking for a while before we all decided to go back to the suite together. I was glad that nobody brought up the topic of where I was because I was so happy I don't think I would have been able to lie to them.

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