Chapter 14 : Andreas

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A/N: Hey this chapter contains rape and abuse so if this trigger you please read with caution.🙃
Bloom's POV

We walked into the abandoned building and Andreas pulled me with him into the middle of the room and then he threw me into a cage that was in the middle of the room. The only thing that was in the room was a bed. Andreas placed me down on the bed and I tried fighting back but he then cuffed my hands to the bed. Pure horror took over and I had an awful thought about what was going to happen.
I looked to my side and saw Sky staring at his Dad like he was just as horrified as me. Like he also had realized what was about to happen and didn't know what to do. I looked at Sky and said "Help me." without making a sound so that Andreas didn't hear me. Sky just looked at me not doing anything.

"I know you don't know how I am but I am going to tell you while I show you just how talented I am." He made some sick laugh at his own words and the tears just ran down my face and I closed my eyes just for a second trying to steady my breathing. I felt him sliding his hands up and down my legs before he undid my pants and pulled them down. I looked to my side so that I was looking at Sky and then I tried to find a happy place in my memory to stay at while he was doing it to me. I was thinking about my birthday when I turned 6 I don't remember everything but my Mom had bought a chocolate cake and my Dad had built this huge doll house in my room while I was busy so I didn't even notice until my Dad asked me to go look in my room after we had eaten the cake. I came running out of my room and jumped into my Dad's arms and I was just so happy. We went out for dinner with the Harvey's and I had so much fun that day and I was just happy.

"Well Bloom that was the story of how your Dad tried to kill me but I have another story I would like to tell you so I will go again and you will be just as good as you just were." the tears kept coming there where no end I opened my eyes which I hadn't noticed I had closed and loked at Sky how was just watching. sky had tears streaming down his face too. He then took a few steps and started yelling at his Dad. "stop hurting her...Just leave her alone...stop that...please." Andreas stopped and looked at him then he took his pans on again walked over to Sky and hit him in the face. Sky lost his balance and fell to the floor and I could see that he was bleeding from his nose and a wound that he had gotten on the side of his head as he hit the floor. Andreas then kicked him in the stomach a few times and then spit down on him. Andreas then threw the keys to my cuffs down onto Sky and they hid him just under his eyes cutting him so started bleeding. Andreas then walked out without looking at either of us. The sky kept laying on the floor for a few minutes until I spoke " can you please get me out of here?" he stood up and nodded and then he opened the cuffs and then he turned around and I took my undies and pants on again. I told him that he could turn around again and he did. He helped me balance and then we walked back to my suite.

Sky opened the door and we walked in and saw all the girls sitting waiting on me. She took me into my room and I just laid down on my bed he closed the door and walked out to the girls and I could hear there where a moment of silence before Sky said that something unspeakable had happened to me and that he would let me decide if I want to share it and then he told them to let me sleep if I could and to make sure that I knew that they were there for me.

I got lost in my mind and I think I laid there for over an hour. there where quiet so I decided to go out and get something to drink but when I walked out of my and Aisah's room I saw all the girls still sitting and talking and they all looked at me and stopped talking. I grabbed a glass of water and sat down on the right couch beside Aisha and Stella Musa and Terra sat on the left couch across from us. I took a sip of my water and then I sat the glass back down and started playing with the sleeve of my knit shirt and I was looking down avoiding eye contact. I decided to tell them everything after all they were the only ones I had left. "Uhm...okay so I want to tell you guys everything but I don't know where to start." I looked up and saw that they were all giving me reassuring smiles and then Terra said "Just start at the beginning even if we know it already." I nodded and looked down at my hands and then I started talking.

"Everything was okay for like 10 days after my Mom was killed and then Rosalind and I started our privet lessons. It was fine the first few times she, of course, pushed me harder every time but then around the third lesson I didn't succeed in doing what she wanted me to and she used her powers to hurt me and started telling me how worthless I am and that my Mom was useless and I was even more useless. She even told me once that I should be happy that I had her because my Mother was so weak that it was funny." I stooped for a few seconds and then I took another sip of my water and then I started talking again. "She has hurt me every lesson since and then my Dad starting to drink his sours away started making me more worried about him and I just needed him but he was drunk the times when I needed him the most. We then worked things out thanks to Sky and My Dad quitting drinking. But then Queen Luna showed up today and arrested him and I lost another parent. Andreas took me to an abandoned building and raped me and made Sky watch how by the way is his son. He stopped and was about... a" I stopped and dried the tears away with my sleeve. "about to do it again when Sky told him to stop and leave me alone and he did stop but then he started hitting and kiking Sky. After a while he stopped then he spit on Sky and walked out and Sky helped me get back here....and that's about all that has happened the last almost 2 months."

I looked at the girls and they all had tears streaming down their faces I hadn't even realized that they were crying too. I sat there looking at them for a few seconds before I said "I'm sorry for not telling you guys what was happening sooner." Stella shook her head and said, "Hey you don't have to apologise for anything Bloom." I stood up and so did everyone else and we all hugged for a few seconds. after about 35 minutes of just talking we agreed to watch a movie and Musa and Aisha made popcorn while Me, Stella, and Terra picked a movie. We chose Little Women and we all loved it and then we all agreed to sleep on ur mattresses in the shared area. Terra told a funny story about her father and how he went bald as a teenager and we all laughed. Everyone was falling asleep one after one until I was the only one awake I just couldn't get myself to try to sleep because every time I closed my eyes I saw Andres looking at me. I fell asleep around 3 when I couldn't keep my eyes open anymore.

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