Chapter 12 : Drunk

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Bloom's POV

It's been 1 month and 19 days since the thing that happened to my Mom happened and well I know Rosalind killed her.

I was sitting on the couch talking with Stella and Musa when my phone rang I looked at it and saw it was Sky. I knew something was wrong immediately because he was supposed to be in the middle of a lesson with my Dad. I looked at the girls and they nodded that it was okay that I answered so I did.
I put it on speaker because I could see that Stella and Musa were curious about what was happening.

"Hey you," I said and looked at Musa who was half laughing at me. "Hey beautiful" I can never get enough of his sweet nicknames and his voice.
"So what's wrong?" I could hear him breathing heavily and then he spoke up "It's your Dad he's drunk...he showed up to class drunk and after about 20 minutes I told everyone to go and that I got it...but Bloom I think you need to come and get him back to your home because Rosalind has been watching us for a little while now." I looked at the girls and I could see that they were ready to go with me. "I'm on my way...with Stella and Musa." I hung up and we walked out of the suite and made our way to the specialist training area.

I looked out over the training area trying to find my Dad and Sky when I saw my Dad lying on the grass and Sky standing a little away looking at him. I started walking towards them and Stella and Musa followed me. "Hey Sky...Thank you for being here and not leaving him." I said as we reached Sky and he gave me a little kiss and then I walked over to my Dad and Musa and Stella stayed with Sky.

"Hey Dad can you stand up please" I looked down at him and barely recognized him. He had lost a lot of weight even though he was in perfect shape before and the alcohol was making him look pale and like he was sick. He hadn't shaved in a month or more because you could see all the gray hair in his beard which also was new.

He looked up at me and "HEY sweetie you look so pretty." I looked down at him and I didn't know what to do. "Thank you, Dad...But can you stand up please we need to get you back home." He looked at me like I was speaking a language that he didn't understand. "Dad?" I could feel the tears in my eyes he was making me so mad being Drunk and not giving a shit about what Rosalind thinks. "YE..Ah, Bloom." I look at Sky, Stella, and Musa they look back at me giving me reassuring smiles. I looked back at my dad and sat down on the grass beside him. "Dad, can you stand?" He smiled and tried to stand up without any moment passing and I flinched as he made a sudden move with his arm in the air.  I stood up and held my Dad to stand more firmly and then we started walking towards Sky, Musa, and Stella.

We walked over to them and I thanked Sky for helping and not leaving my Dad. I also Thanked Stella and Musa for being here for me and going with me. My Dad and I then started walking back towards our apartment hoping not to meet Rosalind in the hallway.

As we reached the door we stopped and my Dad started to look through his pockets to find the key but I told him to stop as I brought my Key. We walked inside and I told my Dad to go take a shower now that he was a little more himself so he did I started making dinner it was just a simple spaghetti carbonara for us as an early dinner for my dad and just a little for me since I was going to eat at the cafeteria with the girls, Sky and Riven in an hour or two.

I had just finished making dinner and setting the table when my Dad came out of the bathroom. He looked a lot better than earlier but he had still changed a lot after my Mom was killed. "hey Dad sit down and I get you a glass of water and some aspirin. My Dad sat down and I made my way out and into the master bedroom found some aspirin and took a glass of water in the kitchen. I walked into the dining room and sat down across from my Dad in my mother's chair.

We had been sitting eating in complete silence for about 10 minutes when I spoke up barking the silence. "We need to talk about it" he looked at me and I took some of my sphageti and ate it waiting for him to respond. "I know sweetie" I looked around before taking a deep breath and gathering the courage to say what needed to be said. "Being drunk places where Rosalind can see you is not helping anyone...I know that it hurts but being drunk is not the answer." He looked at me and I was sure he could see the hurt on my face. "I know" I put my fork down and looked back up at him. "Dad I mean it is hard enough having Rosalind as a teacher and not having Mom around and having to make Sky keep an eye on you all the time because I'm afraid that Rosalind is going to do something to you or you are going to do something stupid is not helping me...everything is hard and well Rosalind is not the loving type of Headmistress." He looked down and then back up at me "I'm sorry sweetie" He was sitting to annoy me. "can you please say something say you won't do it again or I don't have to worry about you doing something stupid like going after Rosalind because you know better." I could feel him looking at me like he realized what Rosalind was doing to me. "I'm so sorry you have to live with the consequence of being our daughter." I took a sip of my water and spoke, "Then promise me that you will stop drinking...can you do that?" I could feel the tears coming again "I'm sorry but I can't promise you's the only way I know how to cope right now." the tears came running down my face "DAD NO DAUGHTER SHOULD HAVE TO BEG HER DAD TO STOP DRINKING BECAUSE HER MOM IS DEAD AND HE DOSEN'T KNOW HOW TO LIVE WITHOUT HER...I JUST WANT EVERYTHING TO BE LIKE BEFORE WHEN EVERYTHING WAS PERFECT." I woke up and I could see the shock on my Dad's face then I walked out into the hallways of the busy school and made my way back to the suite to gather myself before joining the others for dinner even though I just lost my appetite.

I walked in and walked into my and Aisah's room and took a set of clean clothes and then I walked into the bathroom and took a shower. When I was done I put on some makeup walked back out into the hallway and made my way to the cafeteria to spend time with my friends. It was still kind of weird to have friends and a boyfriend because I had never had any friends or a boyfriend before.

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