Chapter 7 : Queen Luna

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Bloom's Pov

It's been two months since me and Sky first kissed and we are now officially dating. Everything is going great. Classes are okay, the girls are good and mom and dad are doing just fine like always.
I walked out into the sheared area and saw Stella almost crying or if you look closely you could see that a few tears had already fallen. I walked over and sat down on the couch next to her.

"Are you okay Stella?" she looked up at me and I could see her debating whether to answer or not. "yeah I'm fine my mom is coming today." I looked at her and couldn't find any form of happiness. "okay then" I said. She looked at me and I didn't know what to say. She got up and walked into her room so I decided to go see my parents before classes started for the day.

I walked through the halls of the school looking at all the students some of them I knew but it was far from all of them. I got lost in my thoughts and didn't even realize that I was standing outside my parent's apartment. I thought about knocking but didn't. I walked in and saw my Dad sitting at mom's desk doing paperwork.

"Hello sweetie" I walked over to him thinking about how he knew it was me. "Hey Dad" He looked up at me and smiled. "so what brings you back my little princess" We both laughed at his words of choice. "nothing can't a daughter wan't to see her parents?" He closed the folder he was writing in turned on the chair and looked at me. "sure but we both know you wanted something" I laughed a little and he looked at me not understanding why I was laughing. "yeah you're right I wanted to talk to mom about something do you know where she is?" He smiled to himself probably about getting it right. "I think she is in her office she was gone when I came back from my morning run." I smiled at the memory of running with my dad when I was about 12 and I fell and landed in a huge pool of mud he stood and watched me for a few seconds before he just burst out laughing at me. When we came back my mom saw how dirty I was and I can still picture the look she sent my dad because she was not happy about it. "okay thanks Dad I see you later I will see if I can find Mom before the first classes."

I knocked on the door to my mom's office hoping she was there and luckily she was because I heard the all-so-familiar "com in" I woke in and saw her holding a cup of tea and pacing around on the floor in the middle of the room and that only means one thing. She was stressed about something. "hey Mom are you okay?" she stopped and looked at me and tried to smile but I could see right through her and knew something was wrong and a smile can't hide that. "yeah, of course, why wouldn't I be sweetheart?" I sat down on the couch and so did she. "maybe because Queen Luna is coming today:" she looked at me a little shocked that I knew but it only took her a moment before she remembered that I live with Stella. "Yeah, maybe I just have a weird feeling that's all but what do you want to talk about I know there is something." I smiled at how she was avoiding the topic. "So you know me and Sky are doing great and I was wondering if us four could eat dinner together one day a little closer in the future?" She smiled and I could see how happy it made her that I had made friends and even gotten a boyfriend. "sure honey you and Sky can find a day and we look at it." I smiled and hugged her "Thanks Mom I love you" She hugged me a little tighter and I still couldn't let the thought of her being worried go. "I love you too Bloom and I always will but now go to your class before you are late." she laughed a little as I looked at the clock and realized that the lesson started 3 minutes ago. "yeah I better go but see you later."

Farah's pov

Bloom just left my office and I love and hate that she can detect when something is on my mind. It's not because I'm worried about Queen Luna's sudden visit. it is just I have a weird feeling like something is wrong or something. I walked through the school so that I could be there when Queen Luna arrived. I was standing and waiting for about 5 minutes before she came driving into the courtyard. I watched her get out of her car and then I put on a happy face or tried to.

"hello Farah" I smiled and greeted her "Hello your majesty and welcome back to the school." We walked into my office and I asked her what was bringing her to the school in such a short time after her last visit. We talked and It turned out that she was not happy about Stella's progress and my teaching methods. She then revealed her hidden agenda which is to let Rosalind out. I was in total shock. I tried to object to it but she told me off saying she was the Queen and it was her decision and that she was going to do it today. I didn't know what to do and was freaking out on the inside. "you cant free her you know how she is...she will ruin the school and everything...I won't let you." Luna smiled at me and said, "Well you don't get a say I think Rosalind is just what everyone needs right now and with the burned ones will she just be a great ally to have back in the fight again." I looked at her and decided to do as she said for Bloom and Saul I just hope that I can keep the school and my family safe. "okay let's go then. Now that I can't change your mind even though I'm very much against it." she just looked at me and I oped the bookshelf and removed the spell and we walked down and into the tunnels.  I walked first and led the way to where Rosalind was in prison. I was going over every possible outcome of this in my head but the only thing that kept coming to me was that my family was not going to be safe and that I won't be here for long.

"here it is." I walked in first and looked at the barrier and then looked at Queen Luna. "okay shall I or would you prefer doing it yourself." I looked at her and said that I would do it. She smiled to herself about how she got me to free Rosalind after so many years of hate towards her. I walked closer to the barrier and touched it with my fingers and could feel Rosalind inside of it. "okay" I used my magic and took down the barrier. "hello Farah."

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