Chapter 4 : My parents

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Bloom's Pov

"Is Miss Dowling your Mom?" Aisha asked me and I looked at the girls and then I said. "You might wanna sit down this could take a while" They did as I said and they then looked at me waiting for me to answer them. "Yeah, Miss Dowling is my Mom and-" I was cut off by Terra who was almost screaming at me.
"Terra you already knew," I told her and watched as her facial expression changed.
"I know I just totally forgot about it," she told me and then Aisha asked me "So Headmaster Silva is your dad?" I looked at her and then I made a little laugh before I answered her. "Yeah, he is" They were all smiling at me at this point and I could feel the excitement that they had. Musa then Asked a question that I had to think about for a second before I answered here and the question was.
"Why don't you have control over your powers if you grew up with Miss Dowling as your mother?" I looked at them and then I answered her. "I grew up not wanting to have anything to do with magic because I was afraid to hurt the people that I love or the fear of hurting my parents came after I accidentally hurt my Dad when I was little. There was a moment of silence in the room it wasn't an awkward moment but a moment where everyone was thinking about what to say next. Terra then asked me. "What happened if you don't mind me asking" I looked at her and gave her a small smile and then I said. "I don't mind at all but it's a bit of a dark story and I have never told anyone about it before" Terra looked and me and said "It's okay we are here for what you want to tell us even if it's not that much" and smiled at me and I looked around the room and all the other girls were smiling at me even Stella and I think that she was staring to care for all of us and we were all getting closer. I then said
"Thanks" and then I started talking about what happened. "When I was 7 I had an accident involving my parents and my Dad got hurt I had been having a hard time and I was angry at everyone and my parents had to deal with all that I put them through but the day of the accident was something else bothering me. I had over hurt my parents talking about something I wasn't supposed to hear because when my mom noticed me she got so angry and upset and she started yelling at me and I started crying so later that day when we were talking about it in her office and she asked what I had heard and I told her that I didn't hear anything she just hugged me and I was really happy because I was afraid I was gonna be in trouble. So I walked out of her office and was just walking around in the hallway when some of my mom's students came up to me and called me a mean thing and they used their powers to hurt me one of them was a mind fairy so she used her powers to make me pee in my pans and one of them was an earth fairy so he used his powers to make me stoke against the wall using some kind of plant and the last one was not using any powers but she was jealous of me she meant that I was an ungrateful little brat that got whatever she wanted and that life had treated her like hell because she had worked hard to get into Alfea and was a huge fan of my mom but my mom wasn't paying any attention to her and that was my fault so she kicked me in the stomach a few times and then she punched me in my face like maybe 5 times before she started laughing at me and then they just walked away. I stood paralyzed in the same spot for about 5 minutes because I was afraid they would come back but when I was sure that they were gone I started running towards our apartment I just didn't realize that my dad didn't have any lessons so he was home but I just ran into my room and started crying hard and I had this huge wave of emotions and" I passed for a moment and took a deep breath I didn't know I needed I looked at the girls and they all gave me a reassuring smile and I started talking again to continue my story.
"I didn't even realize that my eyes were shining red and that I had set fire to the floor around me and it was spreading fast it was in the walls and on the ceiling for about 2 minutes and that's when my dad came to check on me and saw the fire and that my eyes were shining and realized that I had made it with my powers and then I realized it and my eyes turned black to normal and I started crying because I was scared I was standing in the middle of a room on fire and before I knew was my dad running into the fire to save me and he got hurt by the flames but he picked me up. When he turned around with me in his arms was the door completely covered in flames and the room was filling up with smoke we couldn't see anything so my dad told me to look into his shoulder and I did but I could feel how much it hurt him to go through the fire and then I could hear my mom calling out our names when she realized that the place was on fire. She came running towards the door to my room and saw that we were trapped in my room surrounded by flames and that my dad was hurt. She looked really scared so her eyes turned blue-gray ish and she used her powers to kill the flames and then she ran into the room where we were and looked at my dad and then she asked "what happened" and all I could say was "my powers" and then my dad put me down before he collapsed on the floor for all the burns. My mom picked my dad up so he could balance all his weight on her and so that she could help him walk she took my hand in the other and we began walking towards the greenhouse. When we arrived at the green house was Ben shocked about what happened but he helped my dad get Better he made sure that the burns disappeared so that you couldn't see them now and while Ben was helping my dad had my mom take me outside to ask what happened to trigger my powers and I told her everything. So about 2 days later she expelled the student that had bullied me."
I looked up to face the girls and smiled at them and then I said "Yeah that is the reason why I have hated my powers" They looked at me and the first to break the silence was Aisha "I'm sorry you had to go through that Bloom" and then Stella said "it's a really sad story and I am sorry that you had to deal with it" I looked at her and said "thanks" we talked for about 20 minutes more about it and then we all went to bed because it was late.

It was the morning after I had the talk with the girls and I was walking around in the hallway I had woken a little bit earlier than I had planned so I had time to go talk to my parents before I had my first class for the day. I knocked on the door even though I lived here 3 days ago my dad shouted to me to come in so I went in and walked into the kitchen to see him making breakfast for himself. "Hey Bloom," he said, and then I asked, "Is Mom here?" He looked at me and then he answered "No she left for the office early she had a meeting with a student" and smiled at me after he finished talking. "Ohh okay," I said and then he asked me "Did you want to talk to her?" We walked over to the table and sat down and then I said. "No actually I want to talk to you" he looked at me and then said "About what sweetheart" he then took some of his omelet and I started talking. "I told the girls about you and Mom and that your are my parents. They took it well but I guess that the rest of the school knows about it too now." He said, "Isn't it okay that the rest of the students know it?...or was there someone else you wanted to tell before everyone else knows?" He asked me and I couldn't help but smile a little bit. "Yeah it's okay that they know but..there is this boy" My dad looked at me and smiled and said "A boy?" And I laughed a little at it. "Yeah Dad there is this boy that I wanted to tell before he heard it from someone else" he laughed a little bit and then he asked me. "Those this boy have a name?" I thought about it for a minute before I said "his name is Sky and yes he is one of your students" he looked at me for a moment trying to figure out how Sky was "The blonde one" he asked me and I just answered with the shortest answer "yeah it's him" he then asked "do you want me to take a talk with him you know about his intentions" "NO no that would be embarrassing" he just laughed at my comment and then he looked at the clock and said "you should properly hurry up and get to class before headmistress Dowling gives you detention" I smiled at him and said "oh yeah let's hope she doesn't" I stood up and started walking out of the kitchen but right before I went into the hallway I turned around and said "thanks for the talk dad" and he smiled at me and told me to have a great day and then I left.

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