Chapter 6 : First kiss

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Bloom's Pov

I had gotten Musa to come with me to watch the last of the specialist's training. We had been watching and I could see that Sky had noticed me and so had my dad. I don't think my dad minded that we were watching he is used to it being my mom watching him. The lesson had ended and Musa and Some guy named Riven who is a friend of Sky how she has a crush on were gone and I was left alone with Sky, my dad, and some other students. "Hey, Sky do you want to go for a walk?" I asked him after we had been talking for a little while and I could feel my dad's eyes on us. Sky said yes and we started walking into the forest on the safe side of the barrier. We had been walking for a little while and had been talking about our classes and our friends. We came to the stone circle and we went inside and I made my way over to the bowl. I placed my hands on it and thought about me and Mom the other night and how I got my powers to work. Sky had looked at me as I made a little flame and he had been smiling and he made me smile.

I walked over to him and started talking "You are not scared of me or want to fix me?" He looked at me for a second "no." I smiled and looked up into his eyes and couldn't help but smile a little bit as I looked at him. "No what?" He looked at me but wasn't smiling anymore "Yes I'm a fixer..not because I want to be but because I have to be. Because when I'm Busy flexing others I don't have to think about how fucking broken I am..but you don't need fixing you are beautiful just the way you are." I looked up at him and he was already looking at me with this look that was a mixture of hurt and something else I couldn't quite figure out. "You think I am pretty?" He smiled and moved a little closer towards me and I moved closer to him. "Yeah, I think you're the most beautiful fairy to ever live in the other world." Before I could even think about something to say his lips crashed down onto mine. It was a long kiss and we only broke apart because we needed air. I was looking at him with a huge smile and he was looking at me with the biggest smile ever. I was about to say something when my phone started beeping and I could feel that someone was texting me. "I'm sorry sky." I took my phone out of my pocket and saw that the girls and my mom had texted. The girls had sent like 15 messages asking where I was why I missed class and that my mom had asked after me. "I'm sorry sky I really am but I have to go...suite drama." He smiled and said that it was okay so we started walking towards the school.

I walked over to my mom's office and knocked on the door. "Come in" I walked in and saw my mom grading some papers. So I sat down in the chair opposite of her. I looked at her waiting for her to say something and she did after a few moments. "Where were you before you missed class?" I looked at her and said, "I was in the stone circle." She looked at me and I knew she wanted more. "With how?" I smiled a little at the memory of me and Sky kissing. " alone" she looked at me and smiled and then she said, "I saw you and Sky walking into the forest together." She looked at me and I didn't know what to say. "Yeah, we did we talked that's all." She laughed a little and looked at me like she was searching for an answer. "Was talking  all you did..because, from the look on your face, I will guess something else happened." I thought about telling her and it's not because I keep secrets but I just don't know what me and Sky are yet. "No nothing happened," I say trying to sound convincing. She smiled and before she could say anything opened the door and in walked my dad. "Hey you two" he walked in and I could see that he wanted to talk to my mom alone so I stood up and hugged him and then said. "I have to go movie night with the girls." I was walking over to the door but my mom said something just before I left the room so I turned around. "You have detention tomorrow after school for one hour because you weren't in class." I looked at her. "Really?" She smiled and so did my dad "No privileges just because you're our daughter." I laughed and so did they. And then my Dad said "Oh, and sweetie you can tell Sky that he has detention too." They both laughed and I walked out and back to the suite.

I walked in and saw all the girls sitting and waiting for me. "Hey," they all turned and looked at me, and the first one to say something was Terra. "Where have you been and why weren't you in class?" I looked at her and smiled to myself and all their faces went from serious to curious. "I was in the stone circle with Sky." They all looked at me with smiles even Stella. "What were you guys doing in the stone circle?" Aisha asked. I walked over and sat down on the sofa where Musa and Terra were sitting. "We talked and.." they looked at me and I couldn't help but smile even more "And what?" Musa asked even though I'm pretty sure she can already feel all of my emotions. "And kissed a little." They were all happy for me and Sky and we laughed and explained everything that happened and how the kiss felt. We talked for a few hours about me and Sky and just everything. We totally forgot about movie night.

When I was lying on my bed just before falling asleep I got a text from Sky. I didn't even think he had my number but one of the girls must have given it to him. Hey, it's me. We should do the thing we did earlier a little more often. I smiled and replied. Are you asking me on a date? There didn't go more than a few seconds before he answered. If you want it to be then yes. Bloom, will you go on a date with me? I smiled and couldn't help but make a little sound. I would love to. He answered me like two seconds after I texted him. That's great I text you when and where tomorrow. Sleep well and good night. And with the thought of Sky liking the kiss just as much as I did I fell asleep.

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