Chapter 9 : She was my Mom

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Bloom's Pov
My dad had asked to speak to me in Mom's office but I didn't think anything of it until I walked in and saw Queen Luna, my Dad, and someone else whom I had never seen before. I walked in and saw that my dad was sad like he had been crying. I looked at Queen Luna who asked me to sit down beside my Dad so I did. "What is all this about and where is my Mom?" My dad shared a few tears and Luna then Spoke up.

"I'm sorry to be the one to tell you this but your Mom has died and Rosalind here will be the new headmistress...I'm sorry for your loss." I looked at my Dad and when he wouldn't meet my eyes I realized that it was real. "But I just saw her like 3 hours ago" I could feel the tears running down my cheeks. I stood up and looked at Queen Luna, this Rosalind person, and my Dad. "I'm sorry I have to go" and with that I walked out of my mom's office and I could feel my Dad's eyes on me. I didn't need details on how she did I just needed to be alone.
I walked fast through the school and didn't know where I was going but I ended up at the stone circle.

I walked in and just let all my emotions take over and I made tons of shit of magic not just in the vessels but on the ground flames were everywhere and I for one felt at peace with my magic.

I didn't realize that I had been sitting crying in the stone circle for over two hours. It was first when I looked at my phone I saw that I had like a million messages from the girls and that my Dad had called me multiple times. I stood up and I could feel how drained and exhausted I was after all that crying. I started walking back towards the school and as I was walking over the huge grass field I couldn't help but look at the place we sat on our last picnic and all the memories of my mom came back. She has always been there for me. She always made sure I was alright after a panic attack or when she took me to get my ears pierced when I was 8 because I had been begging her and my Dad for mouths and she held my hand the whole time.

I stood still for a few minutes just thinking about my mom how amazing a person she was and how she always made me smile no matter what. I then pulled myself together and walked back to the suite. I walked in and saw all the girls sitting in the couch area talking but they stopped talking the moment they noticed me. They all stood up and walked over to me and we all just hugged without anyone saying anything. It felt like the hug lasted for hours and it was exactly what I needed or what I needed was a hug from my mom. We sat down on the couch, Me,Stella, and Aisha on one couch and Musa and Terra on the other couch. I looked at them and took a deep breath realizing that I had to tell them that my Mom was dead even though I was sure they already knew.

I looked down not wanting to look at any of them.
" mom she is dead" I looked up to meet their eyes and they all had sad faces and I could feel the tears again coming down my cheeks. The first one to say something was Musa "We know...I am so sorry Bloom." I looked at her trying to make a smile but I don't think I succeeded. Stella then started talking "While you were gone we got called to an emergency assembly and we knew something was wrong because there were guards at all the exits and my mom was standing looking a little too happy." I looked at all the girls and they nodded and Terra spoke. "We sat down on a bench and then we saw your Dad sat in the corner looking sad and my Dad standing next to him looking just as sad. We sat and talked for a few minutes before Queen Luna started speaking. She said that headmistress Dowling had to take some leave that Rosalind would be the new headmistress and that she was starting today."  I was looking at Terra and she had tears coming down her face too. I know she liked my Mom. After all, she was like a second Mom to her because she lost her Mother when she was little.

"We then looked at your Dad and Terra's Dad and they wouldn't meet our eyes so we knew something else had happened and we realized that you were gone and we knew that Stella's Mom was lying and that this Rosalind person was Bad news." Aisha finished talking and I looked at them one by one and then started talking. "My Dad texted me to come to my Mom's office so I did but when I walked in I saw Queen Luna, Rosalind, and my Dad. Queen Luna told me to sit down so I did she then told me that my mom had died that Rosalind was going to be the new headmistress and that she was sorry for my loss. I looked at my dad who had a few tears going down his face and that's when I realized that it was real and that she was dead. I walked out before anyone could explain what happened but I don't feel the need for details right now. I walked through the school and outside and ended up at the stone circle where I just let my emotions get the better of me and my magic took a life of its own. I was at the stone circles the whole time trying to find peace with myself and not having my Mother anymore." We sat and talked about my Mom and Rosalind and what was about to happen now that everything was changing.

The girls all took their madrases and slept on the floor of my and Aisha's room that night. And I felt just a little less alone.

It's been 5 days since my Mom passed away or was killed I don't know what happened or what didn't happen. I have seen my Dad maybe twice since that day in my mom's office. It's his first day back today after the few days he got off from Rosalind.

I was sitting eating my lunch in the cafeteria with the girls when I got a text from Sky asking if I had seen my Dad because he was concerned and thought me talking with my Dad would make him hurt a little less. Sky also texted that my Dad had been a little tipsy at training today so he hoped that I would take to him. I looked at the girls and they already knew that it was Sky texting me. "Go it's fine you need to talk to your Dad anyway." It was Stella talking and I quickly made my way out of the cafeteria and out into the specialist training area where I saw my dad punching a punching bag over and over.

I walked over to him and looked at him and when he saw me he stopped and looked at me waiting for me to say something. "You were drunk while training a class do you know how bad that is." I looked at him and he just looked back at me like he didn't know what I was talking about. "You don't get to judge me for my mistakes when I don't judge you for your mistakes." I looked at him and didn't know what to do he was doing worse than Sky let on. "I'm your daughter you're not supposed to judge me it's like father-daughter rule one...and I'm not judging you but you need to find another way to let your emotions out because being drunk at 8 in the morning is not helping anyone." He made a little laugh and it just made me even more mad at him. "WHAT's so funny?" He looked at me like he was looking right through me. "You just like your mother think you know what's best for everyone all the time." I had a few tears in my eyes "Yeah I'm like Mom but that's a good thing because I am doing what I can to keep this family together and so would Mom." I saw Rosalind looking at us from my mo...her office and it just made me even angrier at everyone. "You know I lost the love of my life and I have to live with a reminder of that every day because you're just like her. And I thought about joining her you know because I don't know how to live without her here by my side."

I could feel the tears streaming down my face because I was hurting too and he didn't even think about that. "SHE WAS MY MOM...I LOST MY MOM AND I STILL SHOW UP TO CLASSES EVERY DAY AND AM TRYING MY BEST OKAY. SO GET YOURSELF TOGETHER DAD I NEED A PARENT. BECAUSE THEIS IS SO FUCKING HARD AND I NEED SOMEONE." I looked at him and then I just tried to walk away but my Dad grabbed my wrist and I looked back at him.
"Let me go" he just looked at me and said wary calmly "You're right I'm hurting but so are you and I'm sorry for not seeing that sooner." He then pulled me into a hug and I just hugged him back. Even though I'm still mad at him.
I walked a little away and he just smiled and then I walked back towards the school to find the girls.

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