Chapter 15 : A burnd one

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Bloom's POV

I woke up as the last one and Stella was the only one who was left in the suite apart from me. "Hey, how did you sleep." I looked up and saw Stella handing me a cup of coffee. "As well as could be expected I guess." I got dressed and then the girls came back with breakfast for me and Stella and we all just ate together here in the suite it was quite nice to just be us five and just talk and spend some time together without boyfriends and school drama.

We agreed that they would tell Rosalind that I had gotten a fever and was just trying to sleep it away. We had a sheard day today with the specialist where we would be training with them the whole day and that would mean me having to look at Andreas the whole day and I just couldn't do that. I pretended like nothing happened in front of everyone when I was dead inside.

I watched around 3 episodes of Criminal Minds which is my favorite TV show and then I decided to make myself an iced match latte I then watched 2 more episodes. Terra had texted and asked what I would like for lunch and I thanked her and said that I would like some pizza in 10 minutes were the girls back Terra had my lunch and we all ate together. They all went back to class and I did my homework and read a few chapters in a good girls' guide to murder I have just started and I already love it.

I decided to go for work outside I would just not go close to where everyone was having class. I texted Musa that I would go on a walk in the forest and that I would be careful. I took on my boots and coat and then I walked outside.

I had been walking around with my AirPods in for about 10 minutes when I stopped and looked at the barrier and then I decided to cross it. I walked around in the forest feeling the magic around me.  I stopped to tie my right boot as the lase had gotten loose. I stood back up and looked a little forward into the forest and I saw a siloed of someone standing between some treas. I couldn't see how it was or if it was an adult or a teenager. I stood there watching the siloed for a few more seconds neither one of us moving. I then felt this huge pain in my side and I fell to the ground as I fell my AirPods fell out and I could hear the clicking sound of the burned one that I hadn't noticed was there. I could feel that it had scratched me in the side of my stomach and I knew I was infected. I started to use my magic and I got it enough away from me so that I could stand up. I stood up but the pain was taking over my body I had to kill the buried one first. I heard a sound behind me and then the burnt one ran in the opposite direction and I didn't get to kill it. I fell to the ground from all the pain. I think I passed out.

I woke up inside the barrier and the pain was still unbearable but I didn't have time to wonder how I got there because I could hear the girls screaming my name. "H...hear!" I tried to move but I couldn't move the infection was spreading fast and it was the worst pain in the world. The girls came and Terra and Aisah helped me balance and Stella and Musa ran back to the school to tell Ben to get ready. We walked into the greenhouse and Ben was standing ready with some zandbag. Terra and Aisha helped me up onto a hospital bed and then Ben made me drink the zanbag and I passed out again from all the pain.

I woke up to someone talking and then I realized that it was Ben and all the girls. I tried to listen in and I heard most of it even though I was in another room. "How is she." I heard Stella ask "She got infected by the burned one." I heard Ben answer her and then I heard all the Musa ask "Will she be okay?" There were moments of silence before Ben answered her "If the burned one that infected her gets killed then yes." Ben then told them to go back to the school and eat dinner and then come back tomorrow when I had rested. They did as told and I could hear them leave.

I tried to sit up but the pain was still too much and I made a little noise and Ben came. "good to see that you awake." I made a little smile because I didn't know how to respond. "we need to talk." I looked at him trying to figure out what he wanted to talk about. "okay?" he smiled and took a seat in the chair next to the bed that I was lying in.

"Terra told me what Andreas did to you and what Rosalind has been doing...If you want I can give you a health check-up" I looked at him in shock not believing that the girls had told him. "and what?" he looked at me and it was like he had to find the correct to say it. "and make sure that someone kill the burned one that attacked you." I nodded and understood that I could die if it wasn't killed in time. 

Ben gave me a health check-up and everything was fine except for the cut that the burnt one had left and it still hurt a lot so Ben gave me some more Zanbag and then he told me to get some rest and that he would stay here in the greenhouse for the night so that I didn't have to be alone. I told him that he didn't have to but he insisted and there where no point in arguing over it so I just Thanked him. He walked into another room and I closed my eyes and fell asleep within minutes because of the exhaustion of everything that had happened the last 2 days.

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