32 || suprise

42 2 0

/ Minho POV /

The thing I wanted to tell Jia the other night...well I never got a chance to tell her. It's just never been the right moment for something this big, and I know she's gonna freak. But...we're all in a great mood tonight, her and Jeongin are meeting with the counselor tomorrow, and I am sure they will change their minds about putting them on the fucking waitlist. So, I thought it was the perfect time to tell her.

The thing is...she's adopted. Yeah, our family is very complicated and our parents are literally dead. Still being complicated while being dead is a big accomplishment, applause to Mom and Dad. Anyway, Jia's adopted. That's the main reason why I feel obligated to protect her all the time. She's my little sister, but she's also my best friend. I can not lose her and I can't let her be unhappy or hurt.

I definitely think Jia will be upset with me. Me not telling her, until now, is a whole other level, that I won't get into detail with. But, another thing is, our parents loved her so much, even more than me, which is why I told Jia they abandoned us. Well, they did, because they died...but they died in an accident on the way home to us. They didn't love me as much as they did her. They wanted a daughter when they had me, exactly why they adopted her just a few months after having me.

They loved her so much that in their will, they gave all of their money to her, to use as she pleases. I'm telling her this now because I just know she's worried about tuition. She's always worrying about things that I tell her not to worry about, but, you know how stubborn she is. I can tell she's still stressed. I really don't want her to stress or worry about such things, when she's basically a billionaire with all our parents money. And honestly, I'm not even one bit upset about our parents giving her all the money. Jia deserves it so much more than I do. And if that means she can go to the university of her dreams and I can't, so be it.

/ Jia POV /

I was speechless. Minho told me not to say anything until the very end before telling me everything, every little detail. But I just couldn't say anything once he finished. I didn't know what to say or what to feel. I just stared at him, frozen. Not saying anything, not feeling anything, my face just completely blank. "Jia, you can...say something now." He sighed, when I didn't say anything, and closed his eyes, that's when I decided to let it out.

I started hitting his arms and his chest, hard but not hard enough to hurt, at least I think it wasn't. "I can't believe you didn't tell me!" I shouted at him, "How could you keep this from me?!" I sat down, calming myself, after a few seconds of hitting him, still breathing heavily from my anger. He looked at me, nervously checking if all my anger was out. It wasn't. I started hitting him again, pushing him back onto the bed. He grabbed my wrists to stop me from hitting him, "I understand you're upset with me but-"

"Upset? Oh, you think I'm upset?" I laughed but he knew it wasn't because I thought it was funny. "I am furious with you, Minho. I'm gonna kill you." I said through clenched teeth. But Minho held my wrists as I squirmed, trying to get out of his hold. He brought his hands down and started tickling me everywhere, making me fall onto the side, laughing. "No, stop, Minho! Ah! Not there-" I burst out laughing, anger completely forgotten about.

He kept this going for a few minutes until I actually couldn't breathe anymore. We laid there, catching our breaths, until, finally I held my upper body up with my forearms. "You're not my biological brother?" I asked and Minho sat up, doing the same with his arms. He nodded, scared what I'll do. But I probably did the opposite of what he thought. I laid back down, and laughed my eyes out. "We're not actual siblings?" I laughed out. Minho stared at me in confusion for a second, but then started to laugh with me. We filled the room with laughter until Hyunjin and Felix came in. They were making out, passionately, bumping into Minhos dresser.

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