26 || a little too lust

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"Noona?!" Changbin walked up, leaving Jeongin and I standing there. "Why...w-what are you doing here?" He got pulled into a hug by his sister. When they broke apart she smacked the back of his head. "Ow! What was that for?" She crossed her arms and stared at Changbin, with a not so happy look anymore. "Bin, you punched someone?" Changbin was rubbing the back of his head and shrugged, "I mean...she was just asking for it, noona." He just got hit again, repeatedly. "Noona! Okay, okay! I'm sorry. But I don't regret it. If you knew what she did, I bet you'd do even worse than I did." His sister scoffed, and pulled him and his bag out of the airport. I heard him yelling to let him say bye to his friends, but she was obviously angry, so I guess I'll have to text him later.

My brother walked up to me, "Why is he here?" I looked over to where his eyes were. It was our uncle, and he was talking with our teacher. I shrugged and looked back at my brother. "Come on." He waved me to walk over with him, leaving Jeongin and Jisung there just as confused as us. "Okay, thank you so much, Mr. Choi. I'll take 'em home." Then our teacher walked away, with a concerned face, while staring at us. I turned back to our uncle and he did not look happy. Just then, he pulled me towards him, checking every part of my body, and then did the same to Minho.

Minho pushed him away with his eyebrows furrowed, "What exactly are you looking for?" My brother asked our uncle who just stared at us. "I heard one of your classmates was in a fight, I just had to make sure it wasn't one of you." I shook my head, "It wasn't a fight, uncle. Just a punch." He raised an eyebrow, "Just a punch?" I nodded and muttered out, "He did it for me..." Minho sighed before my uncle gasped, "He wha-?! For you?!" I opened my mouth to argue that it wasn't what he was thinking, even though it was, but he pushed his way past Minho and I and stomped toward the boys.

Jeongin and Jisung were watching us the whole time. They both have experienced our uncles protectiveness over us, so they were actually prepared for our uncle to come stomping toward them. Chris and Felix were talking now, slowly stopping when they saw our uncle coming, while Hyunjin jumped and hid behind Seungmin. "Which one of you boys was it?" My uncle asked, I sighed and put a hand on his shoulder, "Uncle..." He shrugged my hand off, "Answer me. Who punched a kid for my niece?" Jeongin spoke up, not even affected by his shouts, "He's not here."

My uncles expression brightened when he saw Jeongin. He's had a soft spot for Jeongin ever since he met him. Whenever my uncles visiting, he never forgets to ask if he and I have gotten together yet. At least we can stop that and say we are together, though I don't know how he'll feel about Changbin...

"Jeongin! Jisung!" He pulled them into a hug and they started laughing and catching up, totally forgetting about why he was there in the first place. He's pretty fond of Jisung too, since he is Minhos boyfriend and my best friend. Minho and I walked over to the rest of the boys. Hyunjin ran to my arm, hugging it tightly, "Wh-who is that...he seems scary." I laughed and assured him that he was fine as long as he told my uncle he had a boyfriend and zero intentions of dating me or my brother. Hyunjins expression turned from a feared to a disgusted one, "Your brother? Ha! I'd date you, Jee, before I ever date him." Minho mocked him as Hyunjin mocked him back while walking to his boyfriend.

Chris interrupted their mock fight, "You guys mind if I drive these boys back home? I assume you already have a ride?" Minho nodded and the rest of the boys agreed. So Chris drove Seungmin, Hyunjin and Felix back home as Jeongin, Jisung, my brother and I stayed back with my uncle.


"So, lemme get this straight..." My uncle started. We were all in the kitchen, filling our uncle in about why he was called. "That bitch was there and-" I smacked his arm, shouting not to call her that. He just shrugged as my brother chuckled, "What? She is one, is she not, Minho?" The said boy backed up saying he was not involved in this debate. Our uncle just went back to talking, "This...glasses boy punched her because Jeongin didn't have the balls to?" Jeongin scoffed, "I would have, but somebody stopped me."

Glasses || seo changbin x yang jeongin x readerWhere stories live. Discover now