rainy day (part 2)

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They both got into Rahul's car, Alina in the passenger seat, and Rahul driving. Alina, now settled in the front seat, felt a sense of security beside her friend. Rahul's hand went to the back of Alina's seat as he reversed the car out of the parking lot. Raindrops drummed a soothing melody on the roof, enveloping them in a sense of quiet intimacy as they drove onto the wet roads.

"Are you hungry?" Rahul's voice cut through the soft hum of the rain. Alina, though apprehensive, admitted she might not have the appetite after what happened. However, Rahul, ever the reassuring presence, promised that once they picked up the food, she would be hungry. Rahul had ordered Alina's favorite food – black bean chicken and vegetables, and some fried rice from Panang, a tiny asian restaurant nestled in the city.As they drove, Rahul shared his love for the city. He spoke of the vibrancy, the perpetual hustle, and how different it was from the town they both grew up in. Alina, despite the turbulent events of the night, found solace in Rahul's words, in the shared warmth of their conversation against the backdrop of the storm.Finally, they reached the restaurant. Rahul, glancing at Alina with a playful smile, asked if she wanted to go with him to get the food. she nods, but then they both realize they're no umbrella in the car. The absence of an umbrella in the car only added to the laughter that erupted as Rahul, being a gentleman, improvised a makeshift umbrella using his coat. Alina couldn't help but giggle as they dashed into the restaurant.The atmosphere in the restaurant was cozy, and the warmth enveloped them. The elderly lady behind the counter greeted them with a knowing smile, dubbing them a "very cute couple." The exchange left them blushing and exchanging amused glances. With their order in hand, they quickly returned to the car, Rahul's coat now a slightly damp but valiant casualty.

Back home, they settled on the couch in the living room to eat dinner, and Alina, still a bit reserved, sat at a distance. Sensing her shivers from the cold, Rahul gently urged her to come closer, since he was basically "a human space heater", and Alina couldn't help but agree.

They chose to watch Just My Luck, the movie with Lindsay Lohan, and settled in for the night.Alina, inching closer, found herself leaning against Rahul's side. The chills that had lingered were gradually replaced by a newfound warmth, not just from the blanket draped over them but from Rahul too. 


hi loviess

sorry this part is so short, there wasn't much to write about here haha. one more part coming soon though


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