you're safe with me

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The brisk evening air carried a chill as Maya hurriedly walked back to her apartment from the college campus. Her backpack was slung over one shoulder, and she kept her gaze fixed ahead, lost in her own thoughts. But as she passed by a bench, she felt a shiver run down her spine—an uneasy feeling that someone was watching her.

Her heart pounded faster as she glanced to the side, her eyes meeting those of a stranger sitting on the bench. His phone was pointed directly at her, and her heart sank as she realized he was taking pictures of her. Shocked and alarmed, Maya quickened her pace, her mind racing with fear.

Arriving at her apartment, Maya was still trembling with anxiety. She couldn't help but think abut the fact that she only noticed this guy taking pictures of her because he was being obvious. She started to wonder how many other people could have done the same thing without her even noticing, and started to panic. She immediately messaged her friend group, wanting to see if there was any way they could help. Among the replies, one message stood out—Aryan, her friend whom she had known since their first year of college, called her.

"Hey, are you okay?" Aryan's voice was filled with genuine concern. Maya took a deep breath, her voice shaking slightly as she recounted the unsettling incident. She described how the man had taken pictures of her, leaving her feeling violated and unsafe.

"I'm really shaken up, Aryan," Maya admitted, her voice cracking with emotion."I'm here for you, Maya," Aryan reassured her. "If you're comfortable, could you tell me more about what happened? I want to understand how you're feeling." As Maya recounted the events in detail, Aryan listened attentively, his voice soothing as he offered words of empathy and understanding. Sensing Maya's distress, Aryan's heart ached for her. "Maya, I'm coming over," he said without hesitation. "I want to be there for you."

Within minutes, Aryan arrived at Maya's apartment. As soon as she opened the door, he wrapped his arms around her in a comforting hug. Maya nestled into his embrace, feeling a sense of safety she desperately needed."Do you want to talk about it?" Aryan asked softly.

Maya shook her head, still feeling a bit jittery. "I just... I don't want to dwell on it right now."

Aryan nodded, understanding her need for comfort without words. "How about we watch a few episodes of that sitcom you like?" he suggested, guiding her over to the couch. They settled in, the warmth of their shared presence offering solace. The sitcom's lighthearted humor gradually eased the tension in the room, and Maya found herself laughing, albeit fleetingly.

As the sky darkened outside, Maya's tense demeanor lingered. With a hesitant glance, she turned to Aryan. "Um, would you mind... staying over tonight?" Aryan's eyes softened, and he nodded reassuringly. "Of course, Maya. I'll set up a floor bed." Maya's voice trembled as she spoke, her vulnerability showing. "Actually, Aryan, can you... stay with me on the bed?" Without hesitation, Aryan agreed, understanding the depth of Maya's need for comforting reassurance. They crawled into her bed, and Aryan held her gently against him. He whispered soothing words, reminding her that he was there to keep her safe.

As Maya felt Aryan's warm embrace and heard his reassuring words, a sense of calm began to wash over her. She leaned into him, her head resting on his chest, feeling his steady heartbeat beneath her ear. "You can always come to me, Maya," Aryan murmured, his voice a gentle caress. "I promise I'll do whatever it takes to keep you safe." Touched by his words, Maya's eyes welled up with gratitude. She looked up at him, her gaze filled with emotions she couldn't fully express. Aryan brushed a kiss on her forehead, his gesture offering reassurance and comfort. Surrounded by warmth and the presence of someone who genuinely cared for her, Maya's fears slowly dissolved. As they held each other, they drifted into a peaceful sleep.


hi loviess

I hope you like this story, and I also hope it brings awareness to the struggles of being a girl. pm me if any of you want to talk about anything, and stay safe out there


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