study comfort (part 2)

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The sun rose, and Alanna stirred from a peaceful slumber, her tangled curls cascading across the pillow. The soft morning light filtered through the curtains, casting a gentle glow on the room. As consciousness seeped in, she felt a comforting weight beside her. Ravi, still sleeping, breathed steadily.
With a contented sigh, Alanna shifted, her eyes lingering on the peaceful expression that graced Ravi's face. The memories of their night, filled with laughter and whispered secrets, danced in her mind. As she carefully disentangled herself, Ravi stirred awake, his eyes meeting hers with a warm, drowsy smile."Morning, sunshine," he greeted, stretching like a cat waking from a nap.Alanna couldn't help but smile back. "Morning. Thanks for staying.""Anytime," Ravi replied, his gaze holding a hint of something unspoken.The morning routine unfolded in a gentle cadence. Alanna prepared for her final exam, the looming tension of the night before replaced by a newfound tranquility. Ravi, ever the steadfast companion, offered encouraging words and a reassuring presence.

The air outside held the crisp freshness of early spring as they stepped onto the bustling streets of New York. The city was waking up, a symphony of distant car horns and the murmur of pedestrians weaving through the urban landscape. As they walked, Ravi's arm naturally found its place around Alanna's shoulders, creating a cocoon of warmth against the morning chill.

They strolled through the campus, the rhythmic echo of their footsteps syncing with the beating of Alanna's heart. Ravi's silent support spoke volumes, a shared understanding that transcended words. The world faded into the background, leaving only the comforting presence of a friend at her side.Amidst the academic buildings and bustling students, Alanna's mind swirled with thoughts of the impending exam. Ravi, sensing her unease, tightened his grip, a silent promise that she wasn't alone in this.The final exam hall loomed ahead, and Alanna turned to Ravi, her eyes reflecting a blend of gratitude and nerves. He squeezed her shoulder gently, then pulled her into a reassuring hug."You've got this, Alanna. Smash that exam, and let's celebrate when it's over," he encouraged, his words a beacon of support.With a deep breath, Alanna stepped into the exam hall, leaving the warmth of Ravi's embrace behind. As the door closed, she felt a mix of determination and the lingering comfort of shared moments.Ravi waited outside for her after his morning classes, the passing minutes feeling like an eternity. He couldn't shake the worry that lingered, the hope that Alanna was okay, and didn't stress out too much.When the exam doors finally swung open, Alanna met his gaze and smiled. Ravi's was very relieved as he engulfed her in a spontaneous hug. The world seemed to pause in that moment, and it seemed like just the two of them, against everything else.


hi loviess

I hope you like this story, the final part is coming soon. lmk if you have any suggestions, and I am also taking requests, just pm me or leave them in the comments <3 ily


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