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Priya sat at a corner table in the library, her head buried in her Atomic Physics textbook. She ran her fingers through her dark curly hair, pulling it away from her face. She had been studying for hours, and her brain was starting to feel like mush. She sighed and rubbed her temples, trying to ease the headache that was slowly creeping in.

As she got up to stretch her legs, she tripped over a pile of books and papers that had fallen from her backpack. She braced herself for the fall, but a strong hand caught her just in time. She looked up and saw the cute, tall guy from her Bio class.

"Are you okay?" he asked, a concerned look on his face.

Priya blushed and nodded, embarrassed that she had tripped. "Yeah, I'm fine. Thank you for catching me."

"No problem," he said with a smile. "Hey, do you want to study together? I'm having a hard time with Atomic Physics, and it looks like you're pretty good at it."

Priya's heart skipped a beat. She had noticed him before, but had never really talked to him much. She nodded eagerly and they found a quiet spot in the library to study.

As they worked through the problems together, Priya found herself getting lost in his deep brown eyes and the way he would occasionally tuck a strand of his own dark hair behind his ear. She couldn't help but feel a flutter in her stomach every time their hands touched as they passed papers and pencils back and forth.

Four hours passed by in what felt like minutes, and before she knew it, the library was closing. The guy looked at her and smiled. "Do you want to go grab some coffee? I feel like we've earned a break."

Priya agreed, feeling her heart race with excitement as they walked to the coffee shop down the street. As they sat down at a small table, Priya started to feel a sharp pain in her abdomen.

"Oh no," she thought to herself. "Not now."

The guy noticed the pained expression on her face and asked if she was okay. Priya hesitated, but then confided in him that she had started her period and didn't have any pain medication with her. She lived far from campus and didn't have a way to get home.

Without hesitation, the guy offered to let her stay at his apartment for the night. "I don't want you to have to suffer through the pain alone," he said with a gentle smile.

Priya felt a wave of relief wash over her, and she nodded gratefully. As they walked to his apartment, Priya couldn't help but feel a little nervous. She had never stayed over at a guy's house before.

But as soon as they walked in, all her nerves melted away. His apartment was warm and cozy, with twinkling lights strung across the ceiling. He gave her a pair of his boxers and his old sweatshirt to wear, and then made her some hot tea and gave her a warm blanket to curl up under on the couch. He also gave her a box of tampons that he ran down to get from the pharmacy down the block.

As she sipped her tea and watched him move around the kitchen, she couldn't help but feel grateful to have him there with her. He was so kind and caring, and she couldn't help but feel drawn to him.

They talked late into the night, about everything from their favorite books to their childhood dreams. Priya couldn't remember the last time she had felt so comfortable with someone.

As the night wore on, her cramps started to get worse. The guy noticed her discomfort and asked her what he could do to alleviate the pain. She said she didn't know, but he got an idea of what might help. HE asks her if it's ok to lift up the hem of her sweatshirt, and places his warm hands on her lower stomach. He asks her if she's comfortable with this and she says yes, and that it is helping. He holds her and keeps her warm all through the night, never leaving her side.


hi lovies

I hope you liked this story 

mwah <3

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