rainy day (part 1) (TW-SA)

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Alina, a college student, found herself immersed in a graphic design project one rainy night. The library, usually buzzing with activity, was unsettlingly empty, but Alina didn't think much of it, considering the weather; the rhythmic sound of raindrops echoing against the windows. As Alina delved into her project, the comforting solitude of the library was abruptly shattered. A grip on her arm turned her attention to a face she dreaded – Keith, a classmate whose unsettling behavior had not gone unnoticed. A history of him stalking Alina had almost led to his expulsion, making his sudden appearance even more unsettling. Fear surged through Alina as she attempted to scream, only to have her mouth covered by Keith's forceful hand. Panic set in, her heartbeat racing in sync with the thunderous rain outside. In a desperate struggle, she managed to break free, hastily gathering her belongings and running downstairs and onto the street. The  rain soaked her to the bone, but escaping Keith became her sole focus.Her phone got ruined in the rain and it wouldn't turn on, and she had nowhere to turn, Alina faced a dilemma, because Keith was not far behind her. Going home was not an option; Keith knew her address from his previous stalking attempts. Shivering from fear and the biting cold, she decided on a last resort – she ran to the apartment of her friend Rahul.

Knocking frantically on Rahul's door, Alina was met with a warm smile that quickly faded as he realized the state she was in. Concern filled his voice as he ushered her inside, immediately fetching a towel to shield her from the chilling effects of the rain. With genuine care, he rubbed her shoulders, attempting to restore warmth and calm to her trembling form. Taking note of her distressed state, Rahul gently asked about the things that happened that led her to show up at his apartment. "Have you been crying?" Rahul's voice, soft and calming, cut through the quiet Alina hesitated, however, Rahul's unwavering support and genuine concern prompted her to open up to him.

She recounted the experience of the past few hours, omitting the stuff about Keith's persistent stalking over the past few months because she didn't want him to worry. Rahul enveloped her in a comforting embrace, apologizing for not being there when she needed him. He reassured her that he would always prioritize her safety.

Rahul asked her about her phone, and she said it got completely ruined in the rain. We can put it in a bag of rice," he suggested, his voice carrying a reassuring tone. "Hopefully, it'll pull out all the water, and it might work again."While the technical advice aimed at restoring the functionality of her phone was appreciated, Rahul couldn't ignore the feeling that there was still more to this situation.

"You are so strong for putting on a brave face," Rahul remarked, his gaze filled with empathy. "But you can always tell me if there's something more to this situation. Now that I think of it, you have been on edge for the past few months. Did Keith do something like this before?"

Alina, her guard slowly crumbling, felt the weight of Rahul's genuine concern. Tears welled in her eyes as she admitted the haunting truth that had tormented her for the past two months. Keith had been stalking her relentlessly, accompanied sending by threatening text messages that had kept her silent out of fear. Rahul's expression shifted from concern to a fierce determination to protect his friend."I will always keep you safe," he told her, a promise that echoed with sincerity. "If Keith shows up, I'll tell him to fuck off."  He recognized the gravity of the situation, the violation of trust and the fear that had gripped Alina's life.

In that moment, within the confines of Rahul's apartment, a profound understanding blossomed between the two friends. Alina, burdened by silence, found solace in sharing her painful truth with someone she could trust. Rahul, now aware of the depth of her struggle, became an unwavering pillar of support.

"I'm so sorry you had to go through this alone," Rahul said, his voice laced with empathy. "But you're not alone now. I'll do everything I can to keep you safe. We need to take this seriously and make sure Keith doesn't harm you any further." Rahul, still grappling with a mix of guilt and concern, found himself repeatedly apologizing to Alina for not being there when she needed him. However, Alina, being extremely understanding, insisted that it wasn't his fault. She appreciated the genuine concern he now showered upon her and the refuge his apartment provided.

Rahul offered Alina a heartfelt invitation to stay over for the night. Alina hesitated, reluctant to burden Rahul with her presence. In response, Rahul, with sincerity in his eyes, reassured her, "You would never be a burden, Alina. I'm here for you, and you're not alone in this." "The weather is too bad for you to go back home, and if you do, you'll be all alone if Keith shows up again." He pointed out. Concern for her safety outweighed any inconvenience Alina might perceive in accepting his offer."I had no plans for the night," he admitted. "I was just going to get some takeout and watch old movies. It might help take your mind off things if you join me." The simplicity of the evening he proposed seemed like a small oasis of calm."Tomorrow morning, we can go to the library, ask for security camera footage, and then head to the police, but for now, lets try to get through the night" he was committed to ensuring that Keith faced the consequences of his actions. As Alina weighed her options, the sincerity in Rahul's words and the warmth of his offer began to chip away at her reservations. Alina, accepting Rahul's offer, agreed to stay over for the night. As he went to the closet to fetch her some dry clothes, she couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude for his kindness amidst the chaos that had unfolded. Returning to the kitchen island with a bundle of clothes in hand, Rahul presented Alina with a Star Wars t-shirt, a pair of new unused boxers, and some old plaid pajama pants from his high school days. Handing them to her, he urged, "Go change, Alina. You'll get sick if you stay in those cold, wet clothes."

Heading to the bathroom, Alina changed into Rahuls clothes. The t-shirt and boxers were huge, but stayed on her, but as she attempted to put on the pants, they sagged low on her hips and pooled around her feet. Rahul couldn't help but hold back a giggle as she emerged from the bathroom.Suppressing his amusement, Rahul gestured for her to come closer. "Let me tighten that drawstring for you," he said, a hint of laughter in his voice. Alina approached, lifting the hem of the shirt to allow him to adjust the oversized pants. In that moment, as his hand brushed against her bare skin on her stomach, both felt a flutter of butterflies, a mix of nerves and shared laughter.Despite their efforts, the pants remained loose, prompting another round of laughter. Nevertheless, they were a vast improvement from the initial oversized fit. With Alina now changed and ready, Rahul suggested a change of scenery to lighten the mood.

"Want to go on a drive and pick up some takeout on the way back?" he proposed. Alina, eager for a distraction from the night's events, nodded in agreement. Together, they made their way to the garage of the apartment building, Rahuls arm securely around Alinas shoulders, keeping her warm.


hi loviess

two more parts coming soon. also there are mentions of stalking and assault in this part. Stay safe out there


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