period comfort (part 1)

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Amaya twirled a lock of her curly hair around her finger as she glanced up from her textbook, her gaze meeting Arjun's warm brown eyes. They were the closest of friends, both 19-year-old Indian American college students. It was spring break, and with their other friends gone home to visit their families, it was just the two of them on campus.Arjun smiled and leaned closer, his voice laced with excitement. "Hey, Amaya, want to come study at the library with me? We could use the peace and quiet."Amaya's lips curled into a playful smile as she closed her textbook. "Sure, sounds like a plan. Let's go." She gathered her belongings and walked alongside him.Hours passed as they delved into their work, their laughter occasionally interrupting the silence of the library. As dusk settled, hunger pangs echoed in their stomachs, signaling it was time for dinner."Amaya, I'm starvinggg. How about we grab something to eat?" Arjun suggested, rubbing his stomach with a playful grin.Amaya nodded, her own appetite awakening. "Im kinda hungry too. What are you in the mood for?"Arjun's eyes twinkled mischievously. "Sushi?"Amaya raised an eyebrow, her lips curving into a teasing smile. "Sushi? Are you craving some raw fish, Mr. Muscles?"Arjun flexed his biceps playfully, causing Amaya to laugh. "You bet, Ms. Curly Hair. Sushi it is!"They entered the cozy sushi restaurant, settling into a corner booth. The atmosphere was serene, with dimmed lights casting a warm glow over the wooden furnishings. As they finished their meal and prepared to leave, Arjun's gaze shifted downward, a flicker of concern in his eyes. He noticed a stain on the back of Amaya's jeans, a sign that she had started her period.Without hesitation, Arjun immediately removed his jacket, draping it around her waist to conceal the stain. Amaya looked at him with confusion, her brows furrowing.Arjun leaned in, his voice barely above a whisper. "Amaya, you bled through your pants. Don't worry, there's nothing to be embarrassed about."Despite what Arjun said, embarrassment washed over Amaya's face, and she started to panic. "Oh no! This is so embarrassing! What do I do?"Arjun wrapped his arms around her, pulling her into a comforting embrace. "Amaya, there's nothing to be ashamed of. It's a natural process, and accidents happen. We can go back to my place to clean up. It's closer than your apartment."Amaya's eyes widened with surprise. "Arjun, I don't want to inconvenience you. I mean, it's not fair for you to go out of your way for me like this."Arjun gently brushed a stray curl away from her face, his voice filled with sincerity. "Amaya, you're always thinking of others before yourself. Let me take care of you for once. Please, let me help."Amaya's heart swelled at his kindness, a tear threatening to escape her eye. "Okay, Arjun. If you're sure, I'll accept your help."


hi loviessss

i hope you liked this story :)

part two coming soonnnn

see you next time

mwah <3

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