Under Examination

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     The fact that he was in the same month as his final exams was rather overwhelming for Theodore. His first ever university exams, and he had no idea what to expect. They could be straightforward, things that Teddy had easily retained throughout the year. But, otherwise, he could see some professors throwing out minor topics in hopes of picking out the students who studied thoroughly from those who hadn't. Either way, Theodore was stressed, and his friends all likely knew it. 

     He hadn't even been able to see Abi recently, a fact that he greatly regretted. As soon as he was through these exams, he would fix that. They would see each other over the break.

     "It's weird that we're having our exams now, isn't it?" Teddy asked as he sat with Dansworth and Monty in their meal hall.  Monty pushed his food around his plate, glancing up at Teddy. "I mean, Abi's off for her Christmas break already, and her exams are in January."

     "It's to compensate," Danswroth replied, mouth full. He swallowed before continuing;  "for the upper years' technical examinations."

     Theodore hadn't expected Dansworth to have the answer, but he was keen to hear it nevertheless. 

     "How's that work?"

     "Technical examinations take place in May and June, so the semester itself has to be done by May," Dansworth explained. "So our first semester is shorter than other universities' because our second semester is. " At least, that's how Northings explained it to me."

     "Northings?" Monty inquired. Theodore glanced at his plate, frowning at how full it still appeared.

     "A third-year in the Raphaelites. He was helping me with some of that anatomy assignment we had the other day."

      "You alright, Monty?" Teddy interrupted, motioning at Monty's plate with his fork. "Only, I can't help but notice-"

     "Yeah, I'm fine. I just have to talk to Woodward about rescheduling my exam, and I'm not sure how it'll go."


     "I have, well, an appointment scheduled for that day. And they're not making it easy to change."

     "I don't see Woodward being upset with you for that," Theodore replied.

     "No, I know. Just I have to tell him."

     Theodore looked over at his friend, intrigued. He had wondered if the professors at least knew about Monty's condition. This was his confirmation that they did not.

     "Sometimes I hate telling people more than anything else." As Monty explained, Dansworth looked over, nudging him with his shoulder. Monty nudged back as he continued. "I just hate watching their entire perspective of me change, you know?"

     "Woodward's watched me panic so much that I couldn't breathe," Teddy revealed. "I'm sure that you'll be alright."

     "And you know he won't tell a soul," Dansworth replied, "you know, medical ethics and all that."

     "I suppose," Monty replied, finally lifting a bite of his lunch to his mouth. "I suppose."

     Unlike the last time Abi had come home from school, she was met by her parents when she stepped foot back in Downton. Coming off of the train with her bags, her father approached her first.

    "Abigail, darling! Welcome home!" He took her bags from her, accepting a kiss on the cheek. Abi exchanged pleasantries with her mother as she walked over as well, following both of them away from the train station.

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