Here's Your Chance

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     Climbing down the ladder had brought Theodore into what could easily become his favourite place on the St. Raph's campus.

     His feet landed on a hard wooden floor, deep in colour and reflecting in the light of various lanterns with a new polished shine. It would only take a few steps away from the ladder for him to walk onto a rug. It had a rich purple colour to it, with dark red around its border and in a design at its center. However, Theodore did not walk any further, as his friends came to him, immediately greeting him.

     "What took you so long, Barrow?" Dansworth asked, throwing an arm around Teddy's shoulders. Theodore just laughed and shrugged.

     "I didn't ask to be called last," he replied, letting Monty shake him in excitement without a comment about it. The whole situation was, after all, surreal.

     "I didn't ask to be called at all." Ashton nervously chuckled following his words, hands twisting the hem of his pyjama shirt as he looked around the room. "So, this place-"

     Theodore now took the time to truly look at what was around him. Shelves upon shelves of old, leatherbound books. If Teddy had not already felt the pain from his hand being cut, he would think that he was dreaming. Cushioned seats sat in the center of the room, as well as a few dispersed by the corner in what seemed like private reading areas.

     It was Theodore's version of heaven.

     "This place is magnificent."

     "We think so," the voice of the Raphaelite leader came behind him. Theodore turned, finally being allowed to see his face for the first time.

     He was tall, which Teddy had already known, but his face held less severity than expected. He looked, well, kind. He had a bulbous nose that had previously been hidden by the sharp beak of his mask, which now hung from a tie at his hip, and visible bags under his eyes- that was common around here. His round eyes were lit up as he looked at the group, smiling at all of them. He appeared genuinely pleased to have newcomers here.

     "I'm Daniel Rayfield. Fourth Year. Specializing in pediatrics and family medicine. It's nice to meet you all."

     "You know our names, I suppose," Teddy replied, "but I feel wrong not introducing myself. Theodore Barrow. My friends tend to call me Teddy."

     Theodore's friends offered their own pleasantries, well aware that Rayfield somehow already knew who they were. It was Monty who finally asked the question.

     "Why us? Like, how do you even know who we are?"

     Rayfield smiled in understanding, leading the boys over to some of the seats.

     "It's a group effort, really. In the first couple weeks, the members pick out the first years that they believe could be a good fit. Then for the rest of the time, we observe. We see who would fit in the group and who wouldn't. A good handful of the boys were quite adamant that the four of you be given a place."

     "But why?" Ashton asked in disbelief.

     "Because you four have the right spirit for it," a voice spoke from behind them. Turning, Theodore was met with Ben Fletcher, who stood behind their settee, leaning with his arms on the backrest of it. "And each bring something different, which is always appreciated."

      "Every new member is meant to bring something different," Rayfield added in agreement, nodding along to Fletcher's words.

     "So what do we bring?" It was Dansworth who ask, him being ever willing to broach such subjects. Despite his request to know, Rayfield shook his head.

Being a Barrow - A Sequel to Barrow's BoyWhere stories live. Discover now