You Gave Me All Your Love

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     "So why did you drop out of maths?" Wesley asked from his spot in the shade of the tree. 

    Abigail sat nearby with a notebook open on her lap, though she had not added to it since the other four had arrived. The group of them were all in the education program together and had found each other over the first month of their education. Wesley's question had been pointed at Violet, who had been explaining her original plan upon coming to the university.

     "Oh, the professor basically told me that he had no plans on letting a woman pass his class," Violet replied, rolling her eyes. "I decided that I did not need to spend my year dealing with that. I know that I'm good at maths, so maybe I'll try again with a different professor next year."

      Wesley hummed and nodded along to her words while Louisa, who sat at Violet's side, nudged her with her shoulder.

     "If you want this professor to mysteriously disappear, just say the word. We'll get it done."

     Abi was the only one to laugh, used to similar humour from her boys. She imagined that Louisa had grown up with similar jokes around her. She and Louisa exchanged a knowing smile, the girl winking at her. Abi took this as a thanks for understanding the joke.

     "Didn't you make a transfer too, Wesley?" Joey asked, barely looking up from her work. She was in a handful of science classes with Violet, who had completed the same work that Joey was doing now during her free time in their art class. She happened to live in a room in the same house that Abi lived in, so they saw each other rather often.

     "Look," Wesley started, pointing at Joey, though she didn't look up to see it. "I just accidentally went into intermediate Latin instead of beginner. How was I supposed to know that my Latin classes from Tonbridge wouldn't be enough?"

     "Oh yes," Joey replied, finally looking up as she put on a false, highly posh accent. "Look at me. I'm fancy and rich, and I went to Tonbridge-"


     "My daddy paid for my school, and my mummy visited me every day because I'm her baby who needed her-"

     "Come on, Joey!"

     "And now I study Latin because, did I mention, I am fancy and rich?"

     "Alright," Abi jumped into the conversation, "let's leave poor Wesley alone before he gets violent."

     "Wesley? Violent?" Louisa repeated, then laughed. "I would love to see that."

     Abi grinned back at her, glancing down at her wrist to check her watch. Quietly, she closed her notebook, tucking it under her arm as she moved to stand.

     "Leaving us so soon?" Joey asked, closing her books and turning her full attention to the group. 

     Louisa pointed at Joey in agreement, faking a pout as she watched Abi brush off her skirt. Abi turned to her and scrunched up her nose. 

    "Don't act like you don't know where she's going," Violet said, lips quirked in a teasing smile. Abi crossed her arms so that her notebook was pressed against her chest. "Abi has to see her boyfriend."

     She drew out the word in that teasing way that little girls might say it to the ones who befriended the boys. Abi would know; she had heard it many times before. Yet, there was no malice in Violet's tone, only a friend joking with a friend.

     "Ah yes, the boyfriend," Wesley said, looking over at Abi. "When do we get to meet this mysterious man? I swear we know nothing about him."

     "His name is Theodore," Abi said, though she was positive that she had told them all before. "And he's a busy person, being in medical school and all. But I promise you all will meet him soon."

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