The Song of Atonement

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The update schedule (and apparently my last note) is going out the window. Enjoy my sporadic updates for a bit while I figure my life out.

     There was only one place that Theodore could think to take Victor in his current state, and so that was where he drove. Parking on the side of the road outside, he led Victor into the building, up the stairs, and to the flat. It was lucky enough for him that he had decided to keep the key to his mother's flat on the same chain as his car keys.

     Victor was sat on the sofa and told to try to relax before Theodore walked to the bathroom, grabbing the first aid kit that he had decided to keep in there. (Percy had asked why he didn't choose the kitchen. Quite frankly, Theodore didn't use the kitchen enough to justify that.) 

    They didn't know each other enough for Theodore to feel comfortable questioning the other man on what had happened, so he started the conversation elsewhere.

    "I'm first aid trained, just so you know," he began. "Which means that I know what I'm doing."

     "You're in medical school, aren't you?'

     "I am," Theodore confirmed calmly. As he continued to sterilize the gash on Victor's face, he spoke again. The very question that had been in his mind since he had picked Victor up.

     "Should I call Everett?"

     "No," Victor answered far too fast. "I can't bother him. Not tonight especially."

     Theodore did not know what was so special about tonight, but he dared not ask right now. Moving on, he thought of anyone who might be of comfort to Victor right now. Theodore himself would want Abi, so perhaps Victor would want his own partner. 

     "Everett mentioned someone named Roland, what-"

     "No." Victor's voice was coarse, but Theodore couldn't help but wonder if there was panic in his tone.

     "Alright," Theodore answered, voice even as he took Victor's hand and looked at the early stages of bruising on the back of it.

     "If you think of someone who you'd like to call, you're welcome to use my telephone," he offered, unsure of any other people he could offer. Victor just nodded as Theodore stood.

     "I'm getting ice for your hand," he explained. "Would you like anything else from the kitchen while I'm there? I could get you some water?"

     Victor nodded, eyes not meeting Theodore's. He thought nothing of it, crossing the room to open his refrigerator to get the ice.

    He was in the process of wrapping the ice in a towel when Victor's voice caused him to look up. The other man had crossed the room to the telephone and had his back to Theodore as he spoke into it.

    "You know how you told me to let you know if it happened again?" 

     There was a pause.

    "Um, yeah. I'm safe right now, I think."

     Another moment. Theodore busied himself with getting a glass of water for Victor, not wanting to look like he was eavesdropping. 

     "What's your address?" Theodore looked up, taking a moment to realize that Victor was talking to him. 

     As soon as he knew, he gave it. He didn't know who Victor was calling, but obviously, it was someone he trusted enough to have here.

    It was around fifteen minutes later that someone knocked on the door. Theodore, who was back to looking after the bruising on Victor's hand, called for the person to come in. With his focus on the status of any swelling, it took him a moment to recognize who the person was.

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