Chapter 29

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Little note, I'm going to start updating each story once a week. White Lies will be every Friday from now on! I apologize for the wait but this is the way it's gotta be! oxo Thanks for the support guys. 


"Mommy!" Emma bounded across the room toward Rory only to be intercepted by Happy and gingerly placed in Rory's lap on the couch. "Are you better now Mommy?"

Grimacing, she nodded and pressed a kiss to Emma's cheek. "I'm getting there, baby. You gotta be gentle though, okay?"

"Daddy said your belly hurts from when they took the babies out but your belly is still big. Did they get them all out?"

Although laughing hurt, Rory still did and she wore a bright smile. "I know, my insides are still all stretched out. It'll go away," she said as Happy dropped down in the chair diagonal them.

"It better," he joked as he cracked open a beer. When Rory shot him a scathing look, he put his hands up and smiled. "I'm kidding, jeez."

"When can I see the babies?"

That put a damper on Happy's and Rory's moods but they tried to keep smiling for Emma's sake. She was far from handling the situation and easily fell into sudden crying fits as well as refusing to go to the clubhouse.

"We're not sure," Rory said sadly. "They're tiny and Olivia is sick, they need to stay in the hospital to get big and strong before they can come home." They had come to that decision together; Emma was not capable of handling that situation and seeing the twins like that would likely cause more issues than she was already working through.

"Oh," Emma nodded slowly. "Mommy, can I ask you something?" The child spoke in a whisper; her eyes screwed shut as if it helped keep Happy from hearing.

"Sure, what's up?"

"That lady, Daddy's friend, she isn't coming back is she?" As the words left Emma's lips her gripped Rory tighter and tighter. "I don't like her; she said she was Daddy's friend and that she'd be playing with me."

"Sweetie," Rory pulled her head back and made eye contact with her daughter. "She will never come back, I promise Emma. She is not a good person, she is not Daddy's friend either, she's a liar and whatever she tells you, you don't believe it, okay?"

Happy didn't hear Emma's questions but Rory made it a point to speak loudly enough that he knew what was going on. "Ems," he joined them on the couch. "Why didn't you tell me she said that?"

Emma buried her face in Rory's chest and mumbled, "I thought she was your friend. I didn't want to make you sad Daddy."

"You never make me sad, baby girl," he took her from Rory and held her tight. "You can tell me anything, got it?"

"Got it." She nodded and made a stern face mimicking his usual expression. "I'm glad she's not your friend."

Happy smiled and kissed her forehead. "Yeah, me too."


"What are we going to do about her?" Rory asked as Happy joined her in their bedroom after putting Emma to bed. It was a long afternoon while they waited to be able to discuss their standings and next moves.

"Which her?" Happy shook his head and dropped down beside her.

Cringing, her breath catching in her throat, Rory slapped his chest hard. "Do you know how bad this fucking c-section shit hurts? I can't even piss without pain, be careful."

"I'm sorry," he kissed her cheek timidly. "Jenna is fucking dead, no doubt about that shit, I'm gonna slice her the fuck open and let her bleed out."

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