Chapter 9

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"This is a guilty dinner." Happy said as he sat at the head of the often unused dining room table. "Steaks, potatoes the whole thing. What did you do?"

Rory pouted and sat across from him. The highchair was empty while Emma visited with Johnny. "No, I haven't done anything wrong, well not really. There's a lot more to the story with Parker though. I wasn't ready to tell you, you know because that would mean I had to admit you were right about him."

"What. Happened?" Happy growled slamming his beer on the table so hard it foamed over the top and down the neck. "What the fuck did he do?"

"Hap," she started slowly. "Please don't freak."

"Rory, fucking tell me."

It was clear he wasn't mad at her but his tone and body language was terrifying no matter who it was aimed toward.

"The other day, he started going off about how he was sure you are cheating and shit." Beginning to tear up Rory waved her hand in front of her face. "Then it went into this I can make you and Emma happy and give you what you deserve. It's bullshit. You make us happy," she began to cry out of almost nowhere. "And then he kissed me."

Silently, Happy stood and ripping his cut from the wall he grabbed his gun from the end table and jammed it in his pants. "Stay here."

"What are you going to do?"

"What do you think?" He snapped pointing at her as he glared across the room in her direction. "What's he gonna tell me about you?"

"Nothing!" Grabbing her glass Rory flung it at him with a roar. He ducked, the cup shattering behind him, and Rory swallowed the urge to simply tackle him. "I never fucking touched him."

"Fucking better not."


It was almost impossible for Rory to not follow Happy to Parker's and she actually would have had she not been so petrified by him. Instead, she knew the best person for him was Tig. Whipping through Charming she arrived at TM in record time relieved to see Tig's bike in the middle of the lineup. Still red faced and bleary eyed, Rory called every unwanted set of eyes on her as she skimmed the bar area for Tig.

"You alright?" He asked, turning from the kitchen to see Rory looking panicked. "No, you're not. Come on, kid."

Leading her back toward the apartment Tig felt his own apprehension grow with each step. The last place he wanted to be the in the middle of a domestic meltdown involving Happy but he had very little choice in the matter.

"You need to help Happy, make sure he's clean. I did what you said," she snapped accusingly, "And now he's gone to murder him."

"Ah, shit," Tig ran his fingers through his knotted black hair.

"Tig, he thought I did something." Despite her tears, her voice was still strong and angry. "He thought I may have egged him on or something!"

"No girl," pushing her back to sit on the bed Tig paced the apartment. "He needed to make sure before he went. The thing Happy wants to go tearing in there to hear you aren't some little angel."

"Please go. I'm worried about him, Tig."


"Happy, she's fucking lying man."

In the middle of Parker's living room the two men stood with guns drawn. "Shut up."

"You know me!" Parker tried anything. "Come on, I've been around for years longer than her. She thought you were cheating and she wanted to get even. That's what happened."

It wasn't a lie meant to hold up. Parker knew as soon as Happy left, if he left without shooting him actually, he'd check the story and Rory would have Tig back her up. That wasn't the point, the point was buying enough time to get away and keep himself alive.

"She realized what she did though man, she stopped and freaked."

"So did she give the speech about you making her and MY kid happy?"

"Speech?" He asked, his voice quivering slightly. "I didn't say shit. You ARE happy, those two love you."

"He's lying, Hap."

Tig sauntered in proudly, gun raised, with a smile on his face. "But this can't happen."

"She get you?" Happy asked without looking away from his target.

"Yeah, she did." Tig confirmed. "She's worried about you and she was right. You can't be sloppy. Suns up, he's got neighbors, let it go for now."

"Listen to you friend." Parker said now smug with Tig there.

"Shut up," Tig growled annoyed by the very presence of Parker.

Putting his gun back into the back of his pants, and heeding Tig's warning, Happy snarled. "I'll be back for you."


Friday night shortie! Xo

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