Alegría 🦋

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The Aranetas are on their way to Bong's birthday party at the Hilton. Yara was picked up earlier today by her parents after her ballet class, and Irene brought her the outfit she'll be wearing later.

Among the Aranetas, it's evident that Yara is deeply affected by the death of Queen Elizabeth II. Yara expressed to her mom, that the Queen is her favorite monarch and one of the world leaders she looks up to.

As Irene embraces her daughter


In the depths of her room, Irene is engrossed in a quiet moment when a gentle knock disrupts the silence. Nana says Yara's crying, and worry hits Irene as she rushes to her daughter.

In Yara's dance studio, Irene's heart sinks seeing her daughter tears streaming down her face. Her usually put-together daughter is shaking, tears flowing. Irene, her composure slipping away, instinctively kneels beside Yara. She gently brushes away her daughter's hair, revealing eyes clouded with grief.

Irene: *voice shaky* Sweetie, what's wrong? Why are you crying?

Yara, unable to speak, clutches her phone, heavy with bad news. Irene, with a sinking feeling, looks at the screen – Queen Elizabeth II has passed away.

The room becomes a space of shared sadness. Yara's cries mirror the deep loss, and Irene, a support for her daughter, struggles with their shared grief.

A few days later, The Aranetas held hands with their daughter and went to the British embassy to sign the Condolence book for the late Queen. As Yara finished, she said,

Yara: "London Bridge is down," Mama...

Irene, still holding the pen after signing, looked at Yara sensing her unease, and gently squeezed her daughter's hand.

Irene: I understand, little girl. It's a lot to take in, especially when it's about someone you admire. Queen Elizabeth II played a significant role in history, but she's in a better place now.
Yara: I just can't help but feel sad, Mama. It's like losing someone I knew, even though I met her once.

Irene knelt down to Yara's eye level, speaking with comforting reassurance.

Irene: It's okay to feel that way, sweetheart. Even though we didn't have a close personal connection with her, people can have a profound impact on us. But, she had a long and meaningful life. And Prince Philip, her husband, is with her now.
Yara: Prince Philip? He passed away before the Queen, mom.

Irene:  *nodded* Yes, he did, but in our thoughts and memories, they're together. Prince Philip, the Duke of Edinburgh, and Queen Elizabeth II shared a remarkable partnership. Their legacy lives on, and they're together in our hearts.

Yara's expression shifted with understanding.

Yara: Oh, right. It's just... thinking about them being together again, even in our memories, feels comforting, doesn't it, Mama?
Irene: *smiled warmly* Absolutely, sweetheart. Even as we navigate this change, their legacy remains intertwined, offering comfort and a sense of continuity.

Yara smiled, comforted by her mother's words, as they continued their way out of the embassy, the memory of the late Queen framed with a sense of peace.

~end of flashback~

As they arrived, their family members were greeting them, exchanging kisses and hugs, catching up, and of course celebrating Bong's birthday including Irene whose birthday is in September as well.

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