Noticias 🦋

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It has been a week since the Araneta family's last trip to their property in Bulacan, and they are back in Manila because of work, and it's also Yara's exam, she won't be easily disturbed by everyone for she's too focused on her class, she hardly comes out of her room for a while only when she needs to check on her mommy and daddy or whether it's time for them to eat, but often their maids serve her in the room, and that she quickly began practicing her instruments for her role in their online recital upcoming quarter.

Meanwhile, Irene is unsure how to approach her daughter Yara or whether now is the appropriate time to tell her daughter, because she knows she is under too much stress and hectic schedules in their class, hence that's why she stopped to look at her daughter several days back and forth.


[2 days ago]

Irene was already on her way back home from her mom as she had handed her Imelda's supplements and vitamins when she received a phone call from Sister Ana...

Sr: Hello...Irene?
Irene: Hola, Sister Ana! It's been awhile po

Sr: Irene, may ibabalita lang ako sa inyo...

Irene was stunned and couldn't believe the news Sister Ana had shared with her, and she knew her daughter Yara would be affected, she couldn't utter a word and didn't know what to say.

(Irene's POV)
Should I tell Yara right away? It will undoubtedly hurt my daughter, and she would be unable to concentrate on her upcoming exam, my poor baby, she hardly leaves the room to focus on her studies na nga, and I'm sure my Yara will be even more heartbroken knowing this news, and I know how important it is to her, especially that child...

[1 day go]

While Yara has been studying, she noticed her mother constantly gazing in her room and looking directly at her as if she wanted to say something and that something is bothering her...

Yara: Mom? Is everything alright with you? Why do you always come back and forth?
Irene: *deafening silence* I'm just checking in on you, darling...

Yara: You seem to be bothered by something since the prior days, mama...
Irene: Oh, that's nothing, hija...How's school!?

Yara: Well, am so occupied lately, I still have a bunch of reviewers to make for my exam and the recital too!

Irene smooched her daughter's cheek and patted her shoulder as Yara cuddled her mother firmly.

Irene: You can do it, my little Victoria *pinches her child's chin*.
Yara: Thank you, Mama, for always being there for me, and I apologize for not always being able to join you guys. I just need to finish all these...

Irene: You don't need to say sorry, darling. I know you work hard for all of your great achievements, and we are so proud of you and hija, you don't need to be stressed about school. We don't need high grades to be proud of you, you are more than enough, and you make us proud every day, especially when you are happy, my love...

Yara: I know that mama, but I want to do my best to thank you and dad for providing me with my necessities as well as my needs and wants, that's how I can repay you for the comfy life you've been giving me with since then.

Irene: I love you my minime *she pecks her daughter*
Yara:, if you have any problems or something, I will always make time for you, alright? *kisses her mama's hand*

Irene: *guilt* Mommy will do, hija...

-End of Throwback-

(Irene's POV)
I can no longer keep what Sister Ana said a secret from my daughter, I can't sleep well thinking about how to tell Yara, I'm just thinking about what she feels and she will definitely be really sad...

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