Uniteam 🦋

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When the UniTeam senatorial candidates were completed, it was a cue that Bong and Sara would be called shortly, they met in the passageway to the arena and promptly exchanged pleasantries and embraced each other. Liza had already taken the front seat, leaving only Sandro, Alfonso, Irene, and Yara with Bong.

As they were moving, Yara quickly asked her older brother Alfonso...

Yara: Ahia, why are we going with Tito Pops? There are so many people... *worried*
Alfonso: That's because there's only one way going to the arena, Ara

Suddenly, Irene heard the conversation between the siblings and...

Irene: Don't worry, little girl, we'll just go out with them and then head directly to our seats; we won't be sticking around with your Uncle's team for long.
Yara: Alright, mama...

Alfonso: Don't worry, shobs. Besides, I'm here to safeguard you and mom, and as you can see, your security is also on full alert *rubs his sister's back and stays behind her*

Irene: Thank you, son
Alfonso: Welcome mom.

(Irene's POV)
Yara's still a little aloof, but it's a positive indication that she's handling it gently, and I'm grateful that the people around her are genuinely concerned and cautious of her, *took a deep breath* my little Victoria...

(Irene's POV)Yara's still a little aloof, but it's a positive indication that she's handling it gently, and I'm grateful that the people around her are genuinely concerned and cautious of her, *took a deep breath* my little Victoria

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Irene: Come, Yar... I will hold your hands so you'll be calm...
Yara: Thank you, mom

(Yara's POV)
Many people are singing and dancing, and everyone is overjoyed to see Tito Pops, Tita Mayor, and the entire UniTeam senatorial slate. I am pleased to see the family's support tonight, and I am also excited! But I'm nervous, I know this is common, and I have my mom, daddy, and brothers with me, so I guess I'll be fine.

When Bong took a turn, Irene went straight to their seats, and Greggy who is waiting for them, assisted his wife and child, there were also many parallel groups and VIPs as various groups in different parts of the Philippines attended the proclamation rally.

While they were walking, many greeted them, said hello, waved, and even took photos and videos of the Araneta s, especially Irene, so Greggy tightened his grip on their daughter, and Alfonso on the other hand,  guided her mother and puts Yara first so that people don't push her, for Irene won't have to worry that much about her daughter's safety...

Greggy: Hija, sit here next to us.
Yara: But daddy, I can always be seen on camera, Can I just sit next to Ahia and Shoti instead?

Greggy: Speak to mom, first.

As soon as Yara ran, her security personnel became alert, and she rushed to her mommy Irene to get permission as she was conversing with acquaintances.

Yara: Hi mama, can I excuse you for a while?
Irene: Yes, little girl? Say hi to them, this is...

Yara greeted her mother's peers and bow to them. She then asked her mommy if she could sit with her siblings because she knew Irene would later be the focus of numerous cameras and would always be shot.

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