Jealousy 🦋

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Yara is overjoyed that Irene met Amelia and that she was able to help her new friend. Irene has been talking to her child when Yara took a nap on her shoulder on the way to her mother's house, and Irene woke her up when they were near Imelda's house.

Irene glued her face against her daughter's and stared...

(Irene's POV)
My Yara, mommy absolutely loves you, and I will never grow tired of thanking the Lord for giving you to us.

As soon as they arrived, Imee is waiting at the door and immediately opened the door of Irene's car and at the same time took Yara ...

Yara: Tita Mommy! *exclaimed*
Imee: Anak! *hugs Yara tightly* Irene! *pecks*

Irene: Hi Manang! Where's mommy?
Imee: Inside, she's waiting for you guys ...

Yara: Tita Mommy, I have a gift for you *giggling*
Imee: Me too, *hugs and kisses Yara on the cheeks* I miss you so much, beautiful girl

Yara: Aww, Tita mommy, me too!
Imee: I have so many chikas for you ...

Imee and Yara have their world again, while walking they are laughing, and teasing and it seems that they really miss each other so Irene just let them be and went to her mother in their garden first ...

Irene: Mommy!
Mama Meldy: Irene, my baby *beso* Where's my apo?

Irene: There mommy *pointing at them* with Manang
Mama Meldy: How is she? What about her new bodyguards?

Irene:  Yara is alright with it na, thanks, mommy.
Mama Meldy: It's all for our one and only girl, Irene *she smooched her youngest on the cheeks*

When Yara saw her Grandma, she immediately ran up to her and hugged her behind her back ...

Yara: Hi Lola! I missed you so much!
Mama Meldy: Apo! I miss those sweet kisses of yours Victoria, come to Lola.

Yara: *takes Imelda's hand* I miss you too, Lola Meldy! So happy to see you today.
Mama Meldy: How was your vacation? Did you enjoy it?

Yara: Yes Lola, I have so many kwentos to tell you and Lola, you know we went to Filoli with mom and dad, look at these, I took a lot of pictures for you to see...

Irene and Imee were just happy listening to their mother and how happy she is with Yara who actually is very eager with excitement and fond of telling everything to her Lola Meldy.  They were also served food for their dinner, and as they were chatting, Imelda's staff brought down the presents from last Christmas season that her granddaughter Yara didn't get to open as they were in Cali during the holiday break...

While they are putting all the gifts for  Yara from Imelda...

Yara: Lola! These are all mine? It's so dami!
Mama Meldy: Yes apo, everything you see is all yours.

Irene: *sigh* Mom, that's a lot, really.
Mama Meldy:  Hayaan mo na, Christmas is only once a year, Irene.

Yara: Thank you, Lola, but mommy is right, it's too much.
Imee: Well, what do you guys expect from the Imeldific herself !? *everyone laughs*

Yara also asked their driver to bring her gift for Imelda and Imee...

Yara: Grandma, this is also my gift for you as well *she handed it to her*
Mama Meldy: Thank you for this apo! *she kissed Yara* Oh wow, you got me brooches...

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