La Catedral 🦋

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While Irene waited for her daughter to finish getting ready for church, she and Greggy were in the room watching Bong and Sara's campaign, even though their family wasn't always visible in the public, the Araneta couple backed Bong's campaign, and their needs such as campaign materials that Irene had organized such as clothes, posters, banners, wristbands, and so on. While watching, Greggy brought back something and remembered...

Greggy: Irene, do you remember how you always called me dear when I was courting you until we got married?
Irene: Of course, how could I forget, dear? *teasing her husband with a bunny smile on*

Greggy: Never one line will you ever forget calling me that...
Irene: Because I have loved and cherished you since then, Mr. Araneta.

Greggy: *flutters* You calling me dear brings back memories of my courting years to you, my uno. *took his wife's hand in his and kissed it gently*

Their conversation was cut short when Mama Meldy called and spoke with her youngest about Bong's election cycle, including what and how he could do in between speeches, as well as the clothing and shoes he chose to wear because their mom knew he has been busy with the election.

Greggy signaled that he was leaving because the tech firm had an urgent meeting even on Sunday, so only Irene and Yara would attend church, and he tightened the security of his mag-ina already when he left.

When Irene told their staff to do the work around the house, her child was already inside the car, so she quickly followed and ran.

Yara: Mom, take your time.
Irene: *pauses* Oh, little girl *amazed* You look beautiful, my love.

Yara: Oh, thank you so much, Mom. You, too, and you're wearing high heels today! I like it when you complement your white polo with your inabel skirt.
Irene: Of course, we support the local weavers and the products they make...

Yara: Yes, and I hope fairs open progressively so they can earn money.
Irene: I hope so, and Ben told me to let him know earlier if you want to join me at Katutubo again.

Yara: Really!? My pleasure... will do, mom! I want to buy some things as well!
Irene: Excellent, my love. Should we go straight to church now?

Yara: Okay, mommy.

When they arrived at San Agustin Church, before when the mass began, Yara knelt beside her mother, Irene, and prayed fervently for Ava and her family. Irene is just concentrating on her child, and their security is stationed throughout the church to keep an eye on Greggy's mag-ina.

The mass has begun, and they are holding hands while paying close attention to the bishop's homily.

The priest then takes the bread and says the words of Jesus.

"Take this, all of you, and eat it. "
"This is My Body which will be given up for you."

The consecrated Host, which is now the Body of Christ, is held up by the Priest. After kneeling, they stood waiting for the sacramental bread, and as they lined up, their bodyguard was preparing to assist them, but Irene signaled that they were fine and that they should line up as well.

Father: May the blessing of Almighty God, the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit Descend on you and remain with you always.

"Go in peace to love and serve the Lord."
"The mass is ended"

"Thanks be to God."

When the last song was being played, Irene was met by individuals who had also attended the mass, while her child stood next to their security, and they talked and took pictures with Irene.

The Good FamilyOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora