Apegada 🦋

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Essentially, the Aranetas have chosen not to address the recent incident at Yara's request to remain silent about it, and they have decided to move forward. Everyone is doing well, including Yara, whose wound is improving. The family is fine, they are in good spirits, although they're adopting a slightly more cautious approach moving forward to avert potential incidents again.

Today heralds the inaugural State of the Nation Address for Bong. At last, the Aranetas can partake in the ceremony for President BBM. Invitations have been extended to guests and cabinet members, with the proceedings scheduled to commence at four o'clock in the afternoon. Attendees are anticipated to gather three for the event.

~fast forward~

On a bright morning, Irene awakens with an inexplicable unease. Her emotions intensify due to the recent events involving Yara. Simultaneously, an unexpected surge of protectiveness takes over her, leading Irene to make an impulsive decision: Yara is now off-limits to everyone, even to family, friends, and her husband. This sudden wave of jealousy and protectiveness renders Irene unwilling to share Yara's attention.

As they are getting ready for Bongbong's State of the Nation Address, they're in the living room, putting on their shoes and grabbing their things.

Irene: *reflectively* It's quite an honor to attend Bongbong's State of the Nation Address. This is an important event for the country and for him.
Yara: *nods* Yeah, it's a big deal. I'm glad we get to be a part of it.

Greggy: *agrees* Definitely. I've been looking forward to this.


Irene: *excitedly* Alright! Time to go!
Yara: *giggling* Mom, you seem extra pumped today. What's up?

Irene: *dramatically* Well, my dear Yara, today is officially declared as "Yara's Exclusive Day"! No sharing allowed!
Yara: *laughing* Wait, what? Mama, you're hilarious!

Greggy: *chuckling* Exclusive day? What's that supposed to mean?
Irene: *firm* It means, that I've decided Yara is going to be mine for the day. No distractions, no sharing, just mother-daughter time.

Yara: *grinning* Mom, you're driving this "exclusive" thing around?
Irene: *with conviction* Yes, sweetheart, I don't like sharing you with all today

Greggy: *respectful, supportive* Alright, babe.
Irene: *appreciative* Thank you, honey. It's not that I'm against sharing, but sometimes I just want to cherish these moments without any outside influences.

Yara: *understanding* I get it, Mom. It's like having a little bubble where it's just us, no one else.
Irene: *softly* Exactly, sweetheart. Life moves so fast, and I want to make sure we have these moments that are just ours.

Greggy: *supportively* Well, you've got my full support, my love. I'll make sure to respect your wishes for this exclusive time.

Even if Yara and Greggy are confused about Irene's out-of-the-blue behavior toward her daughter, as supportive as the two of them, they just go with the flow and let Irene be her.

As they reached the Batasang Pambansa, the venue for the SONA, before the event commenced, the close members of the Marcos Araneta family gathered in the waiting room, where they met and caught up with each other...

Irene: *tenderly* Little girl, stick close to Mommy, okay?
Yara: Got it, Mama! *grips Irene's hand*

Inside, amid the lively exchanges between the Marcos siblings and the Aranetas catching up, PBMM makes his way to Yara...

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