Creciendo 🦋

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Everyone led busy lives, including Greggy and Irene, each carrying their share of responsibilities. Their daughter Yara was no exception, as she navigated her school life and extracurricular activities. Today, Yara had plans to spend time with her brothers

Yara awaited Alfonso's arrival, who was picking her up for an afternoon visit to Luis's place before their mom and sister's dinner at Eduardo's, conveniently located near their house.

Alfonso: *cheerfully* How's it going, Ara?
Yara: *smiling* I'm good, Ahia. How's Tita Joy doing with Andy?

Alfonso: *content* They're bonding before Joy leaves for her international trip.
Yara: She's the only person I know who's so ready for it. I can't help but feel sad thinking about the day...

Alfonso: *comforting* I understand, Shob. Thanks for being there for Andy when we can't.
Yara: *nodding* Of course, Ahia.

In an attempt to lift the mood, Alfonso, a passionate equestrian, extended an invitation to Yara for some horseback riding.

Alfonso: *enthusiastically* Ara, have you ever considered trying horseback riding with me?
Yara: *contemplating* Horseback riding? Well, some friends are into it. It does seem interesting. I remember trying it with Dad twice or thrice. It was fun, but I think it's not my thing, Ahia.

Alfonso: *enthusiastic* It's not just an activity; it's a fantastic way to relax and connect with nature. I've been riding for a while now again, and it's been such a great escape. "Not your thing"? You're actually quite good at it!

Yara: *smiling* I've seen you enjoy it. Maybe I should give it another shot sometime. But, only if Mom allows us, of course. *giggling*
Alfonso: *excited* That's the spirit! We'll talk to Dad about it and plan a day. It'll be a refreshing change from our daily routines.

Yara: I agree, Ahia. Let's plan something fun, and I promise not to be too scared of the horses. *laughing*
Alfonso: *teasingly* I bet the horses will adore you. They might even prefer you over me! *laughs, pats Yara's back*

Upon reaching their destination, Yara's bodyguards discreetly trailed them, ensuring their safety. They arrived at Luis's place, they were greeted warmly by the kids. Luis offered them seats, and Xandra graciously shared her famous Pinkerton ice cream, a crowd-pleaser.

Amid sibling chit-chat about businesses, family, friends, and playful teasing, Yara shared a school-related cute story.

Yara: *sitting with her siblings* Hey, guys, want to hear something interesting that happened at school today?
Luis: *grinning* Let me guess, Yara. Another secret admirer left you a love letter?

Alfonso: *teasingly* Or maybe someone serenaded you during lunch break?
Xandra: *joining in while scooping the ice cream* Seriously, sweetheart, you're like the girl crush of the entire school. It's all anyone talks about!

Yara: *rolling her eyes playfully* Come on, you guys. It's not that big of a deal.
Luis: *teasing* "Not a big deal"? You practically have a fan club following you around!

Alfonso: *smirking* Tell us, Yara, is there a secret boyfriend you're not telling us about?
Xandra: *playfully* Yeah, spill the beans, sweetheart. We won't tell anyone... except maybe the entire school already knows!

Yara: *laughing* Alright, alright. No secret boyfriend. Just a bunch of friends. You guys are impossible!
Alfonso: *grinning* You know, Ara, if you keep getting all this attention, I might have to tell Mom and Dad about your secret admirers.

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