Imprevista 🦋

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The Aranetas have fully recovered from their illness, which caused them to miss Bong's inauguration. Currently, they are getting ready for the upcoming SONA, just two days away. Numerous changes in their family setting have become palpable since Bong's victory in the election.

Heightened security measures and concerns have been implemented by not only the first family but also by everyone. All eyes are on the impending SONA of Bong, a moment that promises to provide valuable insights into the nation's future direction.

~fast forward~

Irene had just finished lunch with her friends at Ana's restaurant. Amidst their lively conversations, Yara asked her mom if she could wander around the mall while Irene enjoyed chatting with the other titas.

Irene: Dad really insists that you're not allowed, *whispering* sweetheart, Uncle Bong's SONA is just two days away, security is tight.
Yara: But you see, Mom, the guards are practically everywhere. It'll be quick, I promise. I just want something from Jewelmer.

The Titas of Manila chimed in, suggesting that Irene should allow her since she was accompanied by so many bodyguards.

Michelle: Payagan mo na, Irene.
Ana: Yes, Irene, look at that pleading face. Too cute *giggling*

Irene: Alright, alright. Be back in an hour, Alana Yara Victoria Marcos Araneta, or else both of us will be scolded by your dad.
Yara: *joyful* I will, Mommy. Thanks, titas *winked*

As they were about to leave, Yara gave her mom a cheek kiss and quickly said goodbye to her aunts. They headed straight to the mall and initially looked for the jewelry shop Yara wanted. However, before she could get there, she got distracted by a clothing boutique.

Yara's eyes lit up as she stepped into the trendy clothing boutique. Rows of stylish outfits beckoned her, each vying for her attention. The vibrant colors and chic designs seemed to cast a spell, momentarily diverting her from her original mission.

Yara: *musing* Well, a quick detour won't hurt, right?

She browsed through the racks, her fingers grazing the fabric of various dresses and tops. Yara's mind began to wander, envisioning herself wearing these fashionable pieces at future events and gatherings.

"Good day, Miss! Is there anything specific you're looking for?"
Yara: *smiling* Oh, I'm just browsing for now, thank you.

Yara continued her exploration, entranced by the array of options. She couldn't resist trying on a few outfits, admiring herself in the mirror. As the minutes ticked by, her initial plan to visit the jewelry shop gradually faded into the background.

Outside the boutique, Irene and her friends enjoyed their time catching up and savoring their meals. Meanwhile, the conversation turned to Yara's adventurous spirit and her knack for getting into unpredictable situations.

Michelle: Irene, your daughter is quite the free spirit now, isn't she? *teasing*
Irene: *chuckles* That's one way to put it. But she's got a heart of gold. Always curious and eager to explore.

Back at the boutique, Yara finally emerged from the dressing room, wearing an elegant dress that accentuated her youthful charm. Lost in her thoughts, she imagined the reactions of her family and friends when they saw her in this attire.

" The dress suits you perfectly, Miss."
Yara: *grinning* Thank you! I might just take it.

As Yara approached the counter to make her purchase, a glance at her watch brought her back to reality.

The Good FamilyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora